Daily Archives: December 11, 2022

The Mafia, CIA & Jeffrey Epstein Worked TOGETHER To Traffic Minors…

Date: December 11, 2022

01) LINK

“There is much more to the Jeffrey Epstein case than an island for sex trafficking, flight logs and a suspicious “suicide.” As journalist Whitney Webb unravels in her two-volume “One Nation Under Blackmail” series, ties between the CIA, organized crime, international arms dealers and sex traffickers date back to before World War II and the Epstein connection merely represents the latest chapter in an unbelievably sordid, many-tentacled tale of money, sex, violence, power and blackmail.

Jimmy and Whitney discuss the historical connection between the military, the CIA and organized crime as well as Epstein’s ties to Bill Clinton, Bill Gates and Victoria’s Secret founder Les Wexner, among many other miscreants and malefactors.”

The MAP movement is about genuine human rights of the individual…This whole CIA mafia thing, is about powerful people dictating sacrificial lambs, from on high…while destroying and impoverishing people in the process of getting what they want.

Yeah…Don’t even think of trying to connect the MAP movement, with what has been going on in the U.S. government…

…In fact, the grassroots MAP movement will ultimately take the teeth out of this U.S. government blackmail scheme, making it an impossibility…

MAPs and these U.S. government blackmailers are not friends…We are enemies, in fact.

We exist universes apart…and diametrically opposed.


I never did like Max Blumenthal…

Date: December 11, 2022

01) Warmongers CONFRONTED By Journalist At National Press Club Event

“During a recent symposium at the National Press Club about the prosecution of Julian Assange, The Grayzone reporter Max Blumenthal asked DC attorney and Assange critic Mark Zaid whether prosecutors should really be depending on testimony from an admitted pedophile and liar like Sigurdur Ingi Thordarson, who has since recanted his allegations, to convict Assange.

Jimmy plays a video of the interaction and then he and Max discuss the weaselly way Zaid attempts to dodge the question and suggests that Assange will get a fair trial in the U.S.”

…and here is an excellent example of why…

…He is an arrogant hack, right down there with the worst of them…

Maybe once or twice I have…but I don’t feature The Grayzone here…and I absolutely have not for some time…and I never will, moving forward…

Reverend Jimmy is incorrigible…He really does not deserve the support I give him, either.

May Max never be accused of being a pedophile, nor prosecuted for “child porn”…He’ll get a quick education, on just why it’s important for a lawyer to aggressively defend him, if that ever happens…

…mouthy punk.


Shadow Banning EXPOSED – The Twitter Files Continue…

Date: December 11, 2022

01) LINK

“The Twitter Files continue. The second (and third) iteration contain information on selective shadow banning, throttle features, and hidden policy enforcement groups that acted to suppress content on twitter outside the bounds of their own official policy.

As the story evolves, it is becoming increasingly obvious that social media companies are operating outside the confines of their acceptable business… and deliberately impacting American politics.

