Daily Archives: November 4, 2023

‘Stop Making Us Pretend’ – Bill Maher…


Date: November 04, 2023

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“Bill Maher is an American comedian, writer, producer, political commentator, actor, and television host. Since 2003, he has hosted Real Time with Bill Maher, a political talk show on HBO. Before that he hosted the similar late-night show, Politically Incorrect (1993–2002). In 2022, Maher started the podcast Club Random.”



Sidney Powell Could Lose Plea Deal After Shocking Allegations…

Date: November 04, 2023

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“A dark money group run by Sidney Powell claimed in their Substack newsletter this week that Powell was “extorted” by prosecutors in Georgia to take a plea deal, and Powell herself has still been pushing 2020 election lies on her social media account. These actions could easily result in a revocation of her plea agreement, opening her up for almost immediate prosecution under the full charges that were brought against her. Farron Cousins explains what’s happening.


*This transcript was auto-generated. Please excuse any typos.

Sidney Powell, as we all know, accepted her plea deal formally last Thursday. So it’s been a week and in the week since accepting that plea deal, Sidney Powell has not only gotten on her own personal social media websites and, uh, you know, put out more lies about the 2020 election, but now the Dark Money Political Action Committee that she runs, the committee that she has used to raise money to challenge the 2020 election results, that group is now pushing out information via their sub alleging that Sidney Powell was somehow coerced or extorted to take a plea deal from Fannie Willis, the Fulton County District Attorney. Now, that group, of course, is defending the Republic, and on their sub stack, they posted this big thing that linked to other articles. There’s no name, by the way, on the defending the Republic sub stack post. So we don’t know who wrote it, don’t know if it was Sidney Powell or just somebody that works for the Defending the Republic Group, but it is Sidney Powell’s group, and that’s what’s important, right?

She is at the top of the, the, the, the body of this beast. So they’ve been putting out a post on their CK that they’ve then promoted through their social media. The CK Post, one of it, uh, uh, refers to a Federalist article that says, quote Willis basically extorted a guilty plea from Powell. Um, then it it, it cites another one from Epic Times that, uh, quotes Trump’s attorney Steve Sadow, who said, Powell pleaded guilty only because of pressure from Willis. Now, this is Sidney Powell’s groups putting this information out there. Granted it’s information from other sources, but they have collected it, condensed it, and pushed it out to their people. And again, it’s a group that Sidney Powell’s in charge of whether or not she’s the one writing this doesn’t matter because it is her group that is pushing the words of other people alleging that she was extorted to take this plea deal. Now, last Thursday when she stood up in that court, she said in court under oath that I am voluntarily making this choice to accept the plea deal. Now, there’s a funny thing about plea deals, folks, and I’m sure anybody who’s been paying attention to the Hunter Biden stuff understands this. Plea deals can go away like that. There’s all kinds of conditions, always, and there’s even conditions that aren’t necessarily in writing. Prosecutors could just decide, you know what? I don’t like this. I’ve decided I’m going to revoke the plea deal.

And Sidney Powell is now at risk of having that happen by having her group or

Allowing her group or not paying attention to the fact that her group is pushing out fake information, alleging that she was extorted to accept this plea deal. That kind of seems like the thing to me that would cause prosecutors, you know, funny will, is to be like, hold up. Your group is gonna claim I extorted you. You know what? That plea deal, that no prison deal that we have with you that’s gone. Bye-Bye. I’ll see you at trial next week. ’cause let’s not forget the trial was gonna begin the day after Sidney Powell took that plea deal. So if her plea deal is revoked, we’re talking about going to trial probably in about a week or two. And I think at this point that Willis really has no choice. If you’re gonna claim, or if you’re gonna hype up claims that you were extorted into accepting the plea deal, then the plea deal goes away for good.

You don’t get it. We’ll take you to court, we’ll send you to jail for a minimum of five years. You want to keep pushing these fake claims, we’ll fight back just as hard. That is what Fannie Willis needs to do. That is what I hope happens. And at this point, Willis already has enough other people that have flipped and more people who are likely going to flip. So she doesn’t even need Powell. So screw it. Take her to court, prosecute her, and let her deal with the consequences of her group pushing this information. That is what needs to happen now.”


Burien teenager ‘executed’ sleeping passenger on King County Metro bus, documents say…

Date: November 04, 2023

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“A Burien teenager has been charged in adult court with first-degree murder for allegedly killing a passenger who was asleep on a King County Metro bus last month.

Detectives are still trying to find 17-year-old Miguel Rivera Dominguez, who prosecutors say fled the bus on October 3 after the “senseless execution of a total stranger.”

A police report says there is video of Rivera Dominguez boarding the Metro bus in Burien while wearing a full ski mask and sitting towards the back for 12 minutes before pulling out a handgun and shooting the victim, 21-year-old Marcel Wagner.

Rivera Dominguez remains at large as of Thursday morning, according to King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office. Prosecutors have requested a bail of $3 million when he is captured.



Reports Of Putin’s DEATH Might Not Be Exaggerated: Opinion Analysis…

Date: November 04, 2023

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“Professor of political science and Rutgers University Alexander Motyl elaborates on his op-ed in The Hill, “Reports of Putin’s death might not be greatly exaggerated.” #putin #russia”

…I thought this was supposed to be about rumors regarding Pootings death…

…Strikes me most as propaganda to keep funding this disaster.

It’s a bait and switch.


George W. Bush Admits The U.S. Fights Wars FOR MONEY!…

Date: November 04, 2023

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“In a recently surfaced video, former president George W. Bush admits that feeding money into the pockets of weapons manufacturers and all the other powerful interests that profit off of conflicts are a greater priority than preventing war. Or, as he puts it, “Money trumps peace.”

Jimmy, along with The Convo Couch host Craig Jardula and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger, discusses Bush’s admission of a truth that few in Washington will ever tell.”


So What Is Zionism Exactly? w/ Dan Cohen…

Date: November 04, 2023

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“There’s much debate about whether Zionism and Judaism are synonymous, and whether opposing Zionism automatically identifies a person as an antisemite. But what, precisely, does “Zionism” refer to?

Guest host Craig Jardula and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to independent journalist and filmmaker Dan Cohen about the nature of Zionism and what most people mean when they discuss the subject.”
