WHAT IS UP WITH DON HENLEY? The Lawsuits Have Not Stopped…


Date: May 11, 2024

01) LINK

“🎵Don Henley has recently been in the news for an Eagles lawsuit involving stealing lyrics. But Don Henley has been coming after up and coming artists (and existing artists) for recent years on YouTube, Tik Tok, Instagram, etc. trying to prevent his music from being covered. Where is all of this coming from, though? Did Don Henley just wake up one day and decide to be this driving force? The truth is, Don Henley is no stranger to the legal system. His exposure with the law goes back to 1980, of course, when he as arrested for supplying dr*gs to an underage girl – but the lawsuits just kept coming in his life after that. Whether he was the one suing someone else, or whether he was the one being sued…it seems as though Don Henley has lived most of his life involved in a lawsuit. WARNING: THIS VIDEO MAY CHANGE YOUR OPINION ON DON HENLEY FOREVER. Be sure to subscribe to the channel and hit the bell icon, because this is Part 1 of a 2 part Don Henley Series. In the next episode, we dig into the biggest lawsuit he’d face to date and also discuss his relentless efforts to drive artists away from covering The Eagles music.🎵”

Cocaine…two teenage females [15 and 16] drugged out…one naked…and prostituting in Don Henley’s home?..Oh My!

I didn’t realize this was the story behind “Dirty Laundry”…A song I love, but I was like…nine or ten when it came out…

As I got older, I figured it was just a [well deserved] scathing commentary on the media…It doesn’t say anything about the laws, and free love, getting arrested or going to jail…

I came to suspect that Don had a taste for…forbidden fruit…Probably a lot of artists do.

INSANE Eagles ‘Stolen Lyrics Trial’ Abruptly Dismissed Over Don Henley’s Communications

“🎵In early 2024, another insane Eagles lawsuit took center stage, this time over stolen lyrics to the famous song “Hotel California”. This could have been one of the biggest lawsuits Eagles founding member Don Henley was a part of….but the case was ABRUPTLY and IMMEDIATELY dismissed by the PROSECUTORS after a reported 6,000 something emails/texts/communications between Don Henley and three men (who are attorneys) was exposed. What could these communications possibly have revealed for the prosecution to so abruptly step down?? This is absolutely insane…and EXTREMELY RARE for this to even happen. Let’s unpack this entire lawsuit, and what other threatening things Don Henley has been doing in 2024 in this latest episode of Roots Music History.🎵”



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