Daily Archives: December 14, 2008

Obama’s Non-Action…

Date: Dec. 14, 2008

…President-elect Obama’s Weekly Youtube Radio Address…

This [U.S. economic crisis] did not “begin” with the mortgage crisis. This began with the destruction of our backbone industries, by forcing them to compete with foreign companies, who engage in practices which we once called “human rights abuse”.

None of our politicians will talk about this, or acknowledge this root problem. But it is “the” problem.

The majority are no longer able to make a living wage in the USA, because we are being fed to unscrupulous, corporate wolves.

When foreign populations who have spent their lives being mistreated like this, simply will never stand up for themselves and fight the system, “we” cannot compete with that type of exploitation.

We should have never allowed these kinds of businesses, to enter our economy and compete with our own, backbone industries…because it tares down the good standards which “we” have in place, and forces us into the slavery of an abusive system.

“That” is a brief explanation of exactly where the problem exists, with today’s U.S. economy…

…Why is this so “mysterious” for Obama?

Barrack Obama’s “lack of perception” [or wilful ignorance?] is really becoming quite curious, especially as things rapidly deteriorate, and become more painful and grim for the U.S. population. What is wrong with this person?

…Maybe Barrack is neither “of the people”, nor “for the people”?…

“This” is exactly why I am so disgusted with the “two party” system in the USA. The dirty “secret” here, is that the overwhelming majority of us are locked out of politics, because of the “two party” system in place here. Big business, special interests control both parties…not “you” or “I”…

Barrak was just a pretty face, an exciting and energetic new persona, to seduce the young people and the blacks with, under the pretense that he “will” bring change and prosperity back to the USA.

…but, he is already starting off as a lame duck, president elect…who wont even acknowledge the problem right in front of his eyes, nor that something must be done about it.

I’m wondering if it’s possible to impeach someone, before they take office…

Am I being too harsh?

…Well, “I” have been living with declining income, and declining standards of living, as I have been watching my own local economy collapse, over the past five years or more…and I am fed up with this bull shit…

I am disgusted with seeing the actual U.S. public suffering, in a country which is allegedly the “most wealthy” nation on the planet, yet it will throw galling amounts of money into invasions, war and foreign aid (to some countries who don’t even need it), while neglecting the ACTUAL U.S. POPULATION which is in dire need of these funds, and suffering a critical crisis…

This has been going on for so many years now, that the negligence “our” government has shown should legally constitute treason against the population.

After all of these years, they just finally got around to saying…”Hey! We’ve got a problem here!”?…and then, only to the extent that it allowed them to mindlessly throw $700 billion dollars away to the corporate fat cats…a mere month afterwards, they decide to get self righteous, wishy washy and drag their feet, while a real industry, which millions of ACTUAL members of the U.S. population count on, is about to go under…and pull most of us down with them…

It needs to end now!…We don’t need another bull shit pacifier, who looks and talks pretty!…

…Yet, in spite of all his promises, that is exactly what Barrak looks to be shaping up as…

The emergency is “right now”…and political band-aids wont work anymore!

We have been betrayed, and critically injured!…

…When are you going to stand up and defend yourself, USA?!