Daily Archives: December 17, 2008

The child named “Adolf Hitler”…

Date: December 17, 2008

…Holland Township man names son after Adolf Hitler…

…Holland Township man names son after Adolf Hitler…

I think the sinister thing about these kinds of practices, is in how it implies that the parents have a planned expectation of their children, to grow up and fulfill some sort of part in what appears to be a hate movement…

You can just imagine them threatening their own child, as they start to date…”Don’t you go bringing home no Jew!”…”no black!”…”no homosexual!”…

These “parents” think they own a human being…will do whatever they please with this slave…and their own mentality will be propagated onto the world, through that child.

John Walsh: America’s Most Warped…


| Perverted Justice Journal | The Vile Files | PLEASE CLICK HERE AND READ |


Date: December 17, 2008

[Summary: This may have been the spectacle, where police decided to declare the Adam Walsh case closed, by declaring Ottis Toole guilty of the crime…despite the total absence of concrete proof…John Walsh has made a career, out of obsession and hate speech directed at “pedophiles”. This was just another sad chapter, in his exploits.]

What happened to Adam Walsh, has always been heartbreaking and horrifying to me…ever since I learned of the case, back when it actually happened and was all over the news. I don’t understand the mind, of someone who does that. It is entirely foreign to me.

But, if you believed someone like John Walsh, you’d be thinking that I already have meticulously laid plans, to kidnap, rape, murder and mutilate every child within fifty miles of me…

…and John “knows” this [hence, so should “you”], because his son was abducted and murdered…which makes John some sort of “authority” on the matter…

But you know what?…

…There is something deeply disturbed and wrong, with John Walsh, and many, many people have known this for years…

John Walsh, is a “pulpit bully”, who’s messiah is his own, murdered son…who’s flock is every person that he can scare with anti-pedophile propaganda…and who’s victims are the sexual minorities, which he thinks are “demons” of some type.

John is hardly above spreading false propaganda, about pedophiles and pedophilia…in fact, he is rather obsessed with it, since he is adament in his belief that a “pedophile” abducted and murdered his son…despite that they could never prove this…

Of course, that fact that this alleged “pedophile”, Ottis Toole, happened to be a deranged, psychopath and a serial murderer…which is not at all typical, amongst actual pedophiles…that just does not matter, in John’s mind…

In fact…quite incredibly…Ottis Toole was declared a “pedophile” by John Walsh, on the grounds that John believes that Ottis killed his son Adam…

…and, apparently, John has all these imaginations in his mind, about what Ottis Toole, “must have” done with his son Adam…in spite of the fact that there was absolutely nothing, what so ever, that pointed towards any form of sexual motive in the abduction and murder of Adam.

Even a member of law enforcement, who was involved with the case, has come out public in recent years, saying that John Walsh, literally made up the “pedophile” connection [because it certainly was never substantiated in their investigations], and has ever since been adamantly insisting to the public that a “pedophile” killed his son…

John blames the murder of his son, Adam, on pedophilia…but, this blame is based upon nothing but pure speculation, and gross liberties taken with representing the facts.

Serial murder and pedophilia are not “the same thing”, John Walsh!

A person is not a pedophile, on the grounds that they killed a child!

In fact, pedophiles are overwhelmingly established, as being non-violent…Statistically, pedophiles do not murder children, but in extremely rare cases.

…but, I guess…In John’s warped logic, anyone who murderess a child, is a “pedophile”?…

“It’s all the same”…We all represent not only a potential, but a probable “Ottis Toole”, according to John’s warped path or reasoning…

…So, we child lovers have been a very favorite [and I would say obsessive] “punching bag” issue, for John to take out his life frustrations on…

It makes for a very difficult response…because, if you are like me, then you want to express deep sympathy over what happened to Adam…

That is what comes most naturally, as a human being…the empathy…

…but, knowing how he took this situation, and where he ran with it…

I would have hoped, that anyone having gone through such a thing, would take this experience and use it to fight for good, and the betterment of our species…not turn around, and become an “unholy” terror against people who are entirely undeserving of his vengeful wrath.

Something humane in John Walsh, died when his son Adam died…

I don’t know…

…I’m just really fed up with the people on this planet, who’ve had something bad happen to them or their family, and hence start believing this gives them license to go on a hostile rampage, against anyone “they” deem to be “unfit” [in whatever manner].

It is disgusting, to see the offshoot abusers, who evolve out of a tragic situation like this one.

I don’t “want” to tare apart John Walsh…but, enough is enough…and not a single one of us is obliged to put up with the shit he pulls today…and has been for decades.

It’s hard, because you don’t really want to go on the offense, against people who have been hurt so badly…but, when they have lost all sense of rational balance, all sense of truth and honesty and they just wont stop the unscrupulous attacks…

…what other alternative is left?

And “this” case, itself?…

…feels more like they are paying lip service to John Walsh, than anything else. If they had all of this damning, “conclusive” evidence, then why couldn’t they have done this years ago?

Maybe the guy is guilty, but this stinks of propaganda, from a person [Walsh] who has gotten away with a sickening extent of propaganda, in his lifetime…with no real, “karma” backlash…yet…

When is John going to quit smearing this into our faces?

We did not kill your son, John Walsh!!!

…So stop beating us over the head with his proverbial dead corpse!

This whole case, from beginning to present…it makes you want to vomit…
