Jordan Peterson: A history lesson for political radicals…

Date: October 20, 2017

01) Jordan Peterson: A history lesson for political radicals

“Professor Peterson discusses ideological possession, communism, concentrations camps, Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago and existentialism.”

2 thoughts on “Jordan Peterson: A history lesson for political radicals…

  1. feinmann0

    Very powerful!

    Jordan Peterson says this: “The equivalence for repressing the evidence that runs contrary to your theory is the murder of people who object to what you say. And those two things are linked much tighter than you think. You may think that I would never do something like the communists did in the evangelisation of my beliefs. But the truth is that in general, people will do such things if they are granted the opportunity and given the apparatus. … Part of your responsibility is to live your own life and live it honestly, to pay attention to your own experience and not take the easy way out that ideological systems offer you. They are destined to transform themselves into rigid and murderous pathologies.”

    Law enforcement has over the decades in the West, been granted the opportunity and given the apparatus to successfully develop and promote a rigid ideological system whose sole objective is the suppression and eradication of a complete sexual minority group. We must at all costs resist and dismantle this Stalinesque apparatus every which way we can.


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