Most accusations of sex abuse made against teachers are made up by pupils says head of Britain’s biggest teaching union…

Date: October 09, 2018

01) Most accusations of sex abuse made against teachers are made up by pupils says head of Britain’s biggest teaching union

Thanks to feinmann0!

“The majority of sex abuse allegations made against teachers are ‘made up by pupils’, according to the chief of Britain’s biggest teaching union.

According to research carried out by the Association of Teachers and Lecturers in 2015, more than 22 per cent of school and college staff have had false allegations made against them by a pupil. Studies also found that 14 per cent of allegations against staff was made by a pupil’s parent or family member.”

In a world where the dice is loaded fully in favour of an accuser making a false allegation, where an individual is able to profit from guaranteed anonymity and compensation, it is little wonder that one in five teachers (100,000 in UK state schools alone) have been falsely accused. The above statistics are predictable … after all 50% more allegations originate from an adult than a child.

Given the avalanche of sensationalist headlines in the media, it is little wonder kids believe to be ‘OK’ to target a teacher at their school. Really, I fail to see why men choose a teaching profession; essentially they are playing Russian Roulette with the security of their lives.”

There is no way I would ever work in a school for kids.

The insane nuts are out to get you.

2 thoughts on “Most accusations of sex abuse made against teachers are made up by pupils says head of Britain’s biggest teaching union…

  1. Yure

    Well, false accusations are a safe way to make money. If the laws continue to be lenient with that, they are encouraging false accusations to be made.


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