Daily Archives: October 11, 2018

Evolution: What the Fossils Say (by Donald Prothero)…


Date: October 12, 2018

01) Evolution: What the Fossils Say (by Donald Prothero)

“Is evolution a fact? How do the claims of creationists stack up against the fossil record and the actual science? Dr. Donald Prothero presents the evidence in a presentation based on his 2007 book (and more recent findings).

Prothero is a paleontologist, geologist, author and science educator. He holds a Ph.D in geological sciences from Columbia University, and he has authored over 300 scientific papers and 30 books. He is currently a research associate in vertebrate paleontology at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County.


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Mitch McConnell Needs A Safe Space…

Date: October 11, 2018

01) Mitch McConnell Needs A Safe Space

“Republicans are painting Democrats and activists as dangerous mobs despite the fact that right-wing terrorists have LITERALLY killed people.

Democrats urged voters not to hand over power to an angry Tea Party mob in 2010, when the Obama White House and then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) sought to hold on to the House majority.

Eight years later, the tables have been turned, and it is President Trump and a GOP Congress who are warning voters against putting a radical, left-wing mob in charge of Washington.

The Democratic arguments in 2010 failed, at least as measured by the ballot box. Republicans gained 63 seats and took back the House majority.

Republicans, however, think their arguments will succeed this time around given the tactics of the so-called resistance to Trump, which has included heated confrontations with senators and administration officials in restaurants, airports and the hallways of the Capitol.


Ted Cruz OBLITERATED In Attack Ad…

Date: October 11, 2018

01) Ted Cruz OBLITERATED In Attack Ad

“Senator Ted Cruz pretends to be tough, but he’s really a quivering lap dog.

“A new ad from a political action committee called Fire Ted Cruz slams the senator and former Republican presidential candidate for his re-election campaign slogan, ‘Tough as Texas.’

The ad, directed by Richard Linklater, features the actor Sonny Carl Davis in character as the Texan he portrayed in Linklater’s 2011 film, ‘Bernie.’

Davis’ character zeroes in on the insults Donald Trump heaped on Cruz during the 2016 presidential campaign.

‘I mean, come on,’ Davis says. ‘If somebody called my wife a dog and said my daddy was in on the Kennedy assassination, I wouldn’t be kissing their ass. You stick a finger in their chest and give ’em a few choice words. Or you drag their ass out by the woodshed and kick their ass, Ted. Come on, Ted.’”