Monthly Archives: August 2019

Swatting Is a Deadly Problem – Here’s the Solution…


Date: August 26, 2019

01) Swatting Is a Deadly Problem – Here’s the Solution

“SWAT teams, in full military protective gear and armed with assault rifles, are being deployed against innocent, unsuspecting citizens all over the United States. Ten days ago, it was Kyle Giersdorf, alias Bugha, a 16-year-old Twitch streamer and reigning Fortnite champion, in Upper Pottsgrove Township, Pennsylvania. Giersdorf was unhurt—in part because an officer recognized him from around town and defused the situation. Last Wednesday, it was Ijeoma Oluo, author of So You Want to Talk About Race, in King County, Washington. Her son was home alone, sleeping. Last weekend, it was a resident of Lancaster, Ohio, who had not shot his girlfriend or taken children hostage. This Monday, it was somebody in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, after a 911 caller wrongly reported a shooting and possible homicide at their address.

All of these people are the latest victims of an internet-age crime called swatting, in which bad actors sic the police on a fellow internet user who has angered, offended, or simply annoyed them.

It’s one of the worst “pranks” imaginable, with sometimes deadly consequences. It started as a niche crime, seldom seen or discussed outside of the gaming community. Swatting battering-rammed its way into the national conversation two years ago, after LA-based gamer Tyler Bariss, peeved over a Call of Duty dispute, attempted to send the police to another player’s door in Wichita, Kansas. Instead, he sent them to the home of total stranger Andrew Finch, who was fatally shot in the confusion. Even now, few officials seem to have any idea what to do about swatting.

One exception: Seattle. As of last October, the Seattle Police Department has maintained an anti-swatting registry that lets people who fear being swatted give the police advance warning by adding the concern to a profile associated with their address—in much the same way you might add a note about a serious allergy, a child with autism, or pets in the house in case of fire. If an officer is dispatched to your address, they’ll see your profile and proceed with appropriate caution. According to Sean Whitcomb, the registry’s inventor and a sergeant at the police department, it was a fast and easy fix.”

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Hill TV Exclusive: Sanders slams McConnell’s ‘do nothing’ Senate…

Date: August 26, 2019

01) Hill TV Exclusive: Sanders slams McConnell’s ‘do nothing’ Senate

“Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) slammed Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) for “his obstructionism,” saying “there’s very little that’s going on in the Senate.” He also emphasized that he is a supporter of “strong filibuster reform.”

Paralives: An indie life simulation game…


Date: August 25, 2019

01) Introducing Paralives

“You live and then you die. But at least do it in a nice house!

Paralives is an upcoming life simulation indie game.
Build your dream house, create some characters and manage their lives the way you want! The game is currently in development and will be released on Steam for PC and Mac.”

Sounds like The Sims might just get some competition. Hopefully, it is serious competition.


What Do Historians Hide? Buried Buildings…

Date: August 25, 2019

01) What Do Historians Hide? Buried Buildings

“All over the world, people are starting to get excited about a theory concerning buried buildings. The theory is that at some point in human history – probably two or three hundred years ago – there was an enormous global disaster that partially buried buildings in great cities around the world, but we’re never told about it, and it’s effectively been erased from history. Does that sound crazy to you? We imagine it probably does, but then we invite you to look a little deeper. There’s evidence of buried buildings not only in Russia, but in many famous cities around the world, and the official explanation as to why they look the way they do leaves a lot to be desired.”

Farmers For Trump & Pedophiles Seek Help: VICE News Tonight Full Episode…


Date: August 25, 2019

01) Farmers For Trump & Pedophiles Seek Help: VICE News Tonight Full Episode

“This is the August 14, 2019 FULL FREE EPISODE of VICE News Tonight on HBO

11:45 Project Dunkelfeld is one of the only programs of its kind whose aim is to help pedophiles manage their sexual attraction to children and promote help-seeking behavior to encourage these people to seek therapy.”

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