Daily Archives: December 5, 2023

Reporters Found Questionnaire Used To Screen Trump Supporters For Government Takeover…

Date: December 05, 2023

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“Allies of Donald Trump aren’t just hoping that he’ll win The White House next year – they are planning on a full-scaled takeover of the entire federal government. Groups led by the Heritage Foundation have been screening thousands of applicants for a Trump second term, and reporters have now gotten their hands on the questionnaire that is being used to make sure they only get the most loyal of Trump sycophants to serve in the government. Farron Cousins explains what’s happening.



Middle Schoolers Tell ‘Moms For Liberty’ Stop Bullying LGBTQ+ Youth…

Date: December 05, 2023

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“Students in the Seattle Public Schools have clapped back at Moms for Liberty, sending the far-right group handmade cards bearing pro-LGBTQ+ messages like “LGBTQ+ rights are human rights.” Most of the cards use the colors of the rainbow. According to the spokesperson, sending the cards was an independent activity and not part of the school curriculum and they were sent last spring. The cards came with a letter from Seattle teacher Ann Christianson, saying they were from concerned middle school students. However, Moms for Liberty, which campaigns against LGBTQ+ content in schools, supposedly in the name of parental rights, shared several images of the cards this month on its X feed saying the Seattle Public Schools are indoctrinating and weaponizing children.”


Organ & Body Donations: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)…


Date: December 05, 2023

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“John Oliver discusses the systems in place for donating our organs and bodies, why those donations don’t always go where we might think they’re going, and which airline is the Greyhound bus of the sky.”

I agreed to become an organ donor recently.

It greatly amuses me…that one day I might be dead, and not entirely dead…all at the same time!

…If you are the lucky bastard who gets my heart, be forewarned…It will flutter as beautiful boys pass by…

…and my lungs will pant…

…I’m not entirely sure what my liver and kidneys will do…

