Daily Archives: December 9, 2023

Exclusive: Roger Waters speaks to TRT World about Israel’s war on Gaza…


Date: December 09, 2023

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“Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters, who faced a censorship campaign and hotel ban during his Latin America tour due to his pro-Palestine stance, spoke to TRT World in Santiago, Chile in an exclusive interview.”



Desperate Psycho Matt Walsh Knows The Wheels Are Coming Off…

Date: December 09, 2023

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“Matt Walsh launched a vehement attack on gay parenthood during his podcast, labeling it a selfish act equivalent to human trafficking and comparing it to the intentional amputation of limbs from a voiceless newborn child. Walsh, in his Daily Wire show, dubbed gay surrogacy as “human trafficking by definition,” claiming that the adopted newborn is forcibly separated from the birth mother to be raised intentionally without both a mother and father. He asserted that homosexual unions are inherently sterile and insisted that children are designed to be born and raised within traditional binary parents and families, claiming it’s a “sign from nature.” Walsh shockingly compared growing a family via surrogacy by gay parents to amputating a child’s limbs, characterizing it as “mad scientist horror” and more horrific than physically mutilating a newborn.”

Homosexuals absolutely can have their own biological children. They cannot do it with their immediate partner, though.


The VILEST Lie About Gaza Yet…

Date: December 09, 2023

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“This is almost beyond belief – and underlines how depraved the propaganda machine about the onslaught against Gaza has become.

A special thanks to Iraq Body Count for their help in the research for this video.”


Israel is scared of YOUR boycotting – Why?…

Date: December 09, 2023

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“Like many of you, a fair few of us are sceptical of whether boycotting our (often) favourite brands will actually accomplish anything. BUT after digging into the economics of it all, we were shocked to discover just how terrified Netanyahu is of us boycotting.

BDS sites:

00:00 – What’s going on?
01:17 – What is BDS?
03:00 – What does BDS hope to achieve?
03:46 – Is BDS worth it?
08:01 – The 3 different approaches to boycotting Israel
12:44 – Does boycotting actually work?
16:56 – What will hurt the Israeli economy the most economically?
20:43 – Is BDS illegal, immoral or racist?
22:55 – Practical tips to implement BDs in your life
26:03 – Final thoughts “

I’ve never been a big fan of boycotting…probably because I’ve seen this tactic used against vulnerable minorities, to crush movements seeking the protection of basic human rights…

…But I do appreciate this breakdown assessment…and I have to confess, that I will not intentionally do business with companies who push hate and intolerance.

By my nature…I’ve never liked the way various groups have captured businesses, markets and economies, in order to enforce their will upon others and deprive those others of equal standing and a voice.

My only caveat with regards to this video…is with the use of the word “immoral”, as relates to justified boycotting…

Where it comes to the positive and uplifting support of minorities [IE: supporting sexual minorities and their personal life choices], it is not your [or my] place to damage minorities by derailing that.

In fact…it is immoral to use this tactic, in order to inflict injury and suffering onto others.

The term “immoral” is highly vague and subjective…I just thought it would be good to clarify my own stance on this.


Why Stefanik’s ‘Anti-Semitism’ Grandstanding Is Completely Ludacris…

Date: December 09, 2023

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“Republican congresswoman Elise Stefanik berated Ivy League administrators over perceived anti-semitism on their campuses while ignoring the ongoing genocide of Palestinians.”


Nancy Pelosi Spreads HUGE LIE About Saving Ukraine’s “Democracy”…

Date: December 09, 2023

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“Nancy Pelosi recently appeared on fake tough guy Lawrence O’Donnell’s MSNBC show to claim that blowing billions more dollars on the Ukraine will actually save us money because fighting for Ukraine is fighting for democracy itself, and the cost will be much greater if we have to fight Russia elsewhere. O’Donnell, of course, offered zero pushback on the parade of lies and misrepresentations Pelosi spread all over his set.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Due Dissidence hosts Keaton Weiss and Russell Dobular about Pelosi and her fellow Ukraine dead enders who simply can’t get enough of watching Ukrainians pushed into the meat grinder of this war.”
