Interview with “CSA” kids…

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Date: April 23, 2024

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“Courtesy of Australia’s Channel 9, broadcast in Australia on 18/7/2015 – disturbing allegations of child abuse and cover ups at the highest level in the UK.

The Catholic sex abuse cases are a series of allegations, investigations, trials and convictions of child sexual abuse crimes committed by Catholic priests, nuns.”

He speaks very nonchalant about being anally gang raped on a habitual basis. He talks about it like any mundane thing. I am not buying it.

It’s clear that his mother has filled his head with very wrong information, about sex and reproduction.

Just a personal hunch here…I know none of these people, and have no knowledge of their individual natures…This is just an opinion, based on the hour or so that I watched of this video.

Mom used to let brother and sister bathe together naked, until a substantially old age.

Brother and sister appear to have discovered that touching, rubbing [licking, sucking and penetrating?] their sexual parts is highly enjoyable…and are likely experiencing and sharing in a sexual awakening with each other. [Sibling sex as children happens a lot more than people realize.]

Someone walked in on brother and sister engaged in an incestuous sex act. [I did not catch whether this other person was an adult, fellow child or older youth]. Said someone set in motion getting law enforcement involved.

The brother has been interviewed several times, to find out what’s going on.

As these incidents of sex were of an incestuous nature, and happening under the custody of a [probably batty] mother, right under her nose…they needed the diversion of “a nasty man who touched them, and started all of this”…because they couldn’t blame the children for their incest, nor the mother for failing to prevent it.

As accusation of sexually abusing the children is a common attack among divorced parents…the dad was an obvious target.

I get the impression, that this is the only thing happening here.

The fact that this boy goes on to describe babies being murdered at his fathers “parties”, is just icing on the cake…confirming in my mind, that this is all bunk.

Sorry kid…I’m sure you’re a nice enough boy…but let’s be real…You and your sister got an eyeful of each other, decided you liked what you saw, and started following your inborn natures…You might as well just own the situation, tell the truth about it, and admit that the two of you started and enjoyed what you were doing…

…So many other siblings before you have, as well.

Part of my BoyLover Philosophy:

People wonder why BoyLovers exist…particularly homosexual ones, like myself…

…I believe that we came about through nature, as a need within our species to throttle the rampant pestering [or even rape] of small/young girls, by constantly horny boys [of various ages] wanting to fuck them on a regular basis.

I believe we are an alleviating response in nature, shielding young girls from pregnancies and child births they are ill equip to survive.

Honestly…I believe Child Lovers are one of natures protective elements for children.

While I am not convinced that this case needed an intervention…I think a [male or female] BoyLovers presence in this boys life, would have been constructive and far less messy than having to deal with the incest public canard.

Boys like this one, who are already clearly displaying an active interest in sexual activity, are the kinds of boys I am talking about…whenever I say things like, they should be educated about sex, my own existence as a BoyLover should never be hidden from them, and they should have the freedom to discuss, approach, pursue and engage in [or decline] a relationship with someone like myself.

It is to everyone’s benefit, that people who share a sexual common ground, have a reasonably open and supported outlet for their sexuality.

…It is to everyone’s detriment, that sexual freedom is completely denied.



3 thoughts on “Interview with “CSA” kids…

  1. furcifera

    “As accusation of sexually abusing the children is a common attack among divorced parents…the dad was an obvious target. I get the impression, that this is the only thing happening here.”

    A comment from elsewhere is relevant here:

    “In England, women hold extreme power over men in that their scorn is empowered by the state: There are hundreds of agencies flush with cash ready to prosecute men that women point finger at: ‘he made me feel raped!’ ‘At the time i thought I consented, but now I see he coerced me, and I feel raped and abused!’.

    This is real. I’ve known it happen to men with far more social savvy and resources than me. In England an innocent man is never more than one phonecall away from getting his life ruined by a hysterical/scornfull/brainwashed/idiotic woman. The woman NGOs have deep ties to the police. If a phonecall is made, then within the hour the man will get a knock on the door from the police and be arrested.

    I know men who have been absolutely solid in English society for 40+ years get utterly wrecked by a single phonecall like this. They get arrested, prosecuted, socially castrated on social media, they lose their jobs, friends, often their familes. They have to be bailed from jail. The prosecution has unlimited cash and resources. After 9 months the police+prosecuting agency decide whether to take the case to court and nearly everytime the answer is no because the man is innocent, and they have no evidence except a hysterical idiot woman playing victim and just accusing some random chump. But the man has already been dragged thru 9 months of hell.”

    Even after three decades, UK male citizenry remain at the mercy of the child sex abuse industry, an industry sponsored and fomented by government agencies and law enforcement, hell-bent on increasing levels of control over those that pay their wages.

    1. eqfoundation Post author

      It’s an atrocity, for sure.

      Weird thing about this case…is that it seems the mother was aware [according to the boy], that he was engaged in some sort of sexual activity with his sister, insisting that he not insert his penis in his sisters vagina…nor masturbate to ejaculation while sharing a bath with his sister…

      Was it all made up?…Who knows…but according to the boy, the mother was knowing and permissive, to some extent…

      …Which begs the question…why she would not be the main suspect.

      It’s a long video…I don’t expect anyone to slog through it…I didn’t even watch it all, myself…but there are some curious parts in there.

  2. furcifera

    I would suggest the boy is a victim of a chaotic world created by inept parenting, inept law enforcement, and an inept welfare state. You are right to suspect the mother, but my previous comment makes it clear, the police automatically assume the man to be the default guilty party, Decades of CSA hysteria across the UK means the UK public has been conditioned to expect nothing less than a default outcome in such a case.


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