Epstein Has Never Been Part of Our Movement…


Date: February 08, 2020

01) Kamil Beylant

“The proof that Epstein wasn’t a MAP was that the community got no donations from him whatsoever.” – Kamil Beylant

Nor have we even so much as seen him anywhere in our community, over the decades we’ve been active.

He’s done absolutely nothing for us.

The “sex slave club” he’s alleged to have been head of, has no connection to the MAP movement…at all…ever.

He’s just a convenient smear.


2 thoughts on “Epstein Has Never Been Part of Our Movement…

    1. eqfoundation Post author

      Thank you, Glass Closet Castiel. 🙂

      Epstein cut himself off from the world, and lived for himself…That alone, is in direct contradiction to the MAP movement.

      He was clearly a MAP…but he did not share the same ethics, morals and goals, as those pushed by the MAP movement.

      I would suggest had MAPs been accepted and integrated into society, Epstein would have been rooted out and dealt with far sooner.


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