New international health regulations, James Roguski…


Date: June 03, 2023

01) LINK

Yeah…”sovereignty” is a funny kind of thing…especially when people try to claim it for themselves…

Reality of “sovereignty”, is that it’s an illusion…You’re allowed to do as you will, so long as it doesn’t piss off [make jealous, etc] someone, or something, more powerful than you.

“Endowments by your creator” is also a mighty peculiar sort of thing…as the objective creator of all of us, is nature…and aside from our basic senses, needs and biology…nature didn’t endow us with shit…

…Yeah…you get to close to a mother bear, or a bee hive, or be on a sinking ship at sea, and see how much respect “your sovereignty” gets you…

“Sovereignty” is nothing more than pompous bullshit…It’s people desperately trying to cling to control…but nobody honestly has sovereignty.

In addition…Yeah…I don’t exactly trust a lot of government agencies, either…But you know what?…if the WHO wants 20% of the vaccine supply for free distribution to poor countries…give it to them…Allowing a virus to travel and evolve, is a problem for everyone.

Allow everyone the knowledge of discovery…Stop turning human sickness into a commodity!



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