[T-G]: So, MAPs Are Now Expendable?…

Date: October 15, 2018

[Dead Link] 01) Jerry Pournelle’s Iron Law of Bureaucracy Partly Explains Why Our Sexuality is Illegal

Thanks to feinmann0!

“So, as for me personally, I had simply been an anti-Feminist years before I realized what Male Sexualism is and that I am one, and will continue to be anti-Feminist regardless of whatever happens with this Male Sexualism project. Surely, I’m not alone feeling this sentiment; all the “core” Male Sexualists are anti-Feminists.

And yet, we constantly have to deal with the “MAP community” and with other related communities who have zero interest in anti-Feminism, and whose only beef with Feminism – if, indeed, there even is one at all – is that it prevents them from “platonically cuddling with little boys” or whatever it is these people want to do. See, the boy lovers are trying to have their “LGBTP” thing (lol – it’s never gonna happen), while the girl lovers are often much worse manginas than some of our enemies! Honestly, if you tell me, “Women past age 13 do not sexually attract me at all,” I’m going to assume that you’re fucked up and a liability rather than an asset.

By the way, I notice that I get along easier with regular homos than with pedo homos, since the functionality of the regular homos is much superior to that of the pedo ones, which lends empirical credence to the observation that clinical pedos really are neurologically messed up.’

A clear example of Tom Grauer shooting himself in the foot by alienating many who might otherwise sympathise with, and support, his male sexualism project, doubtless including several who occasionally comment on his blog.

His continual narrowing of the eligibility of a male sexualist will eventually result in a movement containing one person: Tom Grauer. This strategy is not without risk; he has already been noticed elsewhere: renegadetribune.com/tom-grauer-jewish-leader-paedophile-movement/ “

I didn’t know Tom was blogging, again.

It’s always felt to me, like he was trying to tap into the MAP community, and what we have already established…not the other way around.

I’m sure many MAPs have asked what Tom brings to the table, that we don’t already have…A lot of us have been doing what he does [in a general sense], far longer…and without the over the top dogma…

To many blog deletions and crazy reactions, have really given his credibility a beating.

In addition…you cant just show up out of nowhere, declare yourself “our leader”, and expect people to follow…

I have yet to see Tom earn his standing…Sure, he has had some amusing blogs…but, seriously…It takes deep dedication, long term, in order to build reputation and status.

Bottom line for me…

…Some of what Tom espouses, is critically irreconcilable with some of my core values…as a humanist…even just as a decent human being.

…I won’t betray my own values, just because somebody claims I might get laid if I do…I’m a far deeper human being than that…My life is nuanced…This world is nuanced…

…I’ve never had a problem with feminism…

…I have a problem with asshole feminists…In the same way I have a problem with assholes of any arena.

I’ve given Tom at least a few comments on his blog…at least one, was a fine piece of writing…original, even…which got orphaned, after he deleted his blog…

…I don’t like these kinds of games, nor the wasting of my time and energy…especially not when it’s given in good faith…Hence, I’m in no hurry to rush back.

Tom can say what he likes…But it just comes off as sad jabs, at people who largely aren’t even paying attention to him.

13 thoughts on “[T-G]: So, MAPs Are Now Expendable?…

    1. eqfoundation Post author


      …We aren’t trying to join the LGBT…I thought this was fairly well understood.

      I think a lot of MAPs are reluctant to have such an alliance, because of the additional baggage we would have to take on.

      As I already stated…there are some things Tom promotes, which I am fundamentally against…and I don’t see the hyperbole as being useful.

      MAPs don’t need a polarizing character, to further fracture our community.

      Tom should focus on more positive things…not strike out at people disinterested in what he is offering.

  1. feinmann0

    Yure, actually I don’t think he is misinformed … I think he is deeply homophobic, and thus fundamentally flawed when it comes to putting himself forward as a male sexualist champion.

    Steve: ‘I’ve given Tom at least a few comments on his blog…at least one, was a fine piece of writing…original, even…which got orphaned, after he deleted his blog…’ Yes, a shame your comment got relegated to the dustbin of history. Mine suffered the same ignominious fate just as his first male sexualist blog got scrapped. My comment took issue with his anti-boylover stance back then, and indeed he subsequently devoted a whole topic on why I was wrong. Within a day or so, the blog disappeared. I hope me commenting here does not have the same effect on OLF!

    1. eqfoundation Post author

      “I hope me commenting here does not have the same effect on OLF!”

      When the day comes that I cease blogging…I’m pretty sure you wont be to blame for it. 🙂

      You’re right…

      …Nobody can be a spokesperson for male sexuality, while omitting all forms of “male with male” sexuality…Because that’s about as pure a form of male sexualism, as has ever existed.

      It’s not all about “chasin’ the pussy” and making babies.

    1. eqfoundation Post author

      No, I will not.

      It takes me some time and effort, not only to compose these, but also to encode my posts into audio recordings.

      I posted them here, because there is something relevant in them…I’ve included them [one explicitly] in my “In Self Defense” project. They are my writings, historical at this point.

      I was addressing you [and your content], through the name you publicly chose to be known and addressed by.

      I am not deleting or re-doing my posts.

      At most, I might redact your name from the printed version of these, when I get the time and inclination to do such…but don’t count on this, as it will likely mess up the URLs to these posts, also…so, I’ll have to change the ISD Index, and track down the local copies on my HD, to change those…and, no…I don’t jump through hoops for people, where it comes to this sort of thing.

      It’s a very bad precedent to set. What appears here is not going to be subject to the whims of others. I will not be accepting requests, for the deletion of my own writings, nor fair use quotations.

      This is one of the main reasons why those of us who’ve been out here for years use pseudonyms, and not our legal names.

      You are really annoying the hell out of me, here.

  2. feinmann0

    If you set yourself up as a leader, even a here-today gone-tomorrow one, you take on the responsibility of being immortalised by history. If you are a leader who discriminates against others on the basis of their sexuality, you should always be remembered for what you are.

    Leopards never changes their spots.

    1. eqfoundation Post author

      Thank you for this.

      Deleting these posts was never on the table, but after contemplating this for a few days, I have decided to make no changes to them at all.

      These are unique pieces of writing…and I put some effort into them, most especially the orphaned response…which I officially included in my ISD project, and even made a narration audio file for…It took real time and work to create that post.

      I made the decision to intentionally include that post, because it addresses a rare situation [an outside “activist”, approaching MAPs in hopes of an alliance, and inclusion]…and I’ve literally never written anything like this before. It’s an extremely unique piece of writing of mine. It belongs in the collection.

      Tom has nothing to say, over whether I publish this or not.

      I also have a right to document and comment on the aftermath.

      It takes an incredible amount of gall, to approach someone and suggest deleting their own content, on their own blog…and most egregiously, when it’s part of their literal life’s work.

      I’ve always approached this guy with sincerity and good will…I don’t appreciate being slapped in the face, like that.

      Yes…I did a google search…Yes…this post does show up on the first page of results…about five or six down from the top.

      Tom probably does not like that.

      I don’t know what to say…There are others who still mention him on their blogs…There are websites hostile to him, which also mention him by name…

      If I bother making any changes, it’s not going to make much difference…The hostile people already have what they want on him…It’s already out there.

      It’s just going to be a pain in the arse for me, and several hours of work [because I’d have to redo the audio file, as well], for ultimately no good reason.

  3. Tom

    1. I did not set myself as a leader; others did.

    2. I never discriminated against anyone; I was never in a position to discriminate.

    3. Even people you disagree with should not be defamed.

    If you don’t want to delete the entire posts, you can simply edit their titles, which serves my purposes almost as well. It should take no more than 45 seconds at most; not hours, not even minutes.

    I request this one more time; however, if you refuse to edit your posts and redact my name, the next steps to be taken will quite likely result in the removal of your site from WordPress, as has happened lately to a number of similar WordPress sites. You don’t want that to happen (presumably), and neither do I. So please consider taking a few seconds to redact my name.

    Best of luck.

    1. eqfoundation Post author

      No…it is not “a few seconds”…it’s tracking down and editing a number of things, and changing not only these posts, but also my ISD index…and all for very little, as I’m not removing the audio version of it, nor redoing it.

      Let me explain something to you…

      This blog, which represents my life’s true work, is a much more intricate network of projects, than what stumbling upon a few posts here might make you think.

      I generally do the “heavier” [multi step] editing jobs on a very irregular basis, as I’ve suffered from a deteriorating health condition most of my life, and it’s been especially bad these last few years.

      I am an understanding and empathetic person…but this is just horse shit.

      The MAP community does not exist to serve your whims, Tom.

      Were we ever anything in your mind, except something to exploit for “serving your purposes”?

      We exist in the real world, well outside of your ambitions…and, no…where there is no good reason, I will not make changes.

      Where is any of this “defaming” you? It is historical dialogue, over something which objectively took place.

      Do not threaten me, nor this blog…Wordpress has an established history of standing up for our right of expression. I have full faith, that they will continue to do such.

      You have an incredible amount of gall, making such threats against someone who’s dedicated decades of his life to this movement, all over your personally regretted, brief tryst into a vaguely related movement.

      This was all your orchestration…I and others have a right to respond, and to keep work we consider important online, well after the fact.

      You really are showing your true colors here, Tom…

      At this point, you’ve turned this more into a threat against a strong principle, I’ve spent decades of my life fighting for…

      …And, no…you are not going to stroll in here, and dictate to me what [falling entirely under fair use], I am allowed to quote, write or share on my own blog.

      You do not throttle my speech, anymore than any of the other bozos who’ve threatened to do such, over the last two decades.

      Go away, coward.

      …But do go ahead and make your complaint to WordPress…I am a long term customer, in good standing with this business.

      If they see an actual problem in what has happened here, they can take it up with me…and we can come to a resolution.

      Rest assured, however…in doing such, you are merely joining a parade of other pathetic individuals, who’ve threatened this blog, and who’ve tried to get it taken down.


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