Daily Archives: October 19, 2022

The Virus that F***ed us all – Nostalgia Nerd…


Date: October 19, 2022

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“Malware, computer viruses and computer worms are rife. They’re so rife that antivirus software is now standard on Windows operating systems, and we’re routinely advised to upgrade to something more “secure”. But the origin of the computer virus, of computer worms may surprise you, because it wasn’t actually from a malevolent desire at all. It was in fact born out of intrigue and the desire to actually help productivity, rather than destroy it. In this episode I’m exploring the Creeper Worm; created by Bob Thomas and Ray Tomlinson back in the 70s. But alongside Creeper, I’m also looking at Reaper, and a slew of other computer worms that were created by Xerox in the early 80s. Because without Creeper, Reaper and Xerox, our computing landscape would look very different today.

0:00-02:04 Introduction to Computer Viruses
02:04-03:17 Surfshark
03:17-04:23 CoreWar
04:23-06:37 ARPANET
06:37-09:20 Creeper
09:20-12:30 Reaper
12:30-15:29 Worm Origins
15:29-17:10 Xerox Problems
17:10-18:58 Viruses Everywhere
18:58-20:50 Closing
20:50-21:50 Credits”


Dumb Things Christians Say to Atheists – Tier List…


Date: October 19, 2022

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“Christians actually say this stuff to atheists! Today, I’ll be ranking bad Christian arguments and misconceptions about atheists in a tier list. Want to learn how to talk to an atheist? Avoid these cringe-worthy Christian comments. Want to avoid bad arguments for God? Well, here’s why these arguments against atheism will earn you nothing but dumbfounded stares and face-palms.

My goal with this video isn’t to mock Christians (aside from John Hagee). I’m sharing this, because I think they/you can do better and I want to elevate the discourse.”

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When Parasocial Relationships Go Too Far…


Date: October 19, 2022

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“This pastor got way too invested in the election outcome for 2020. He also made fun of the people who cried after the 2016 elections but we already knew hypocrisy was alive in the church. The guy can’t give up on Trump having won even though all evidence says he didn’t and this guy just made a bad prophecy. Since god is never wrong he can’t admit that though so into conspiracy town we go.”

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We Were Lied To About Vaccines ADMITS Pfizer!…

Date: October 19, 2022

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“Soon after the COVID vaccines were made available to the public, we were told by the likes of Joe Biden, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky and Rachel Maddow that the vaccines prevented infection and stopped transmission. Yet recently, during a recent hearing in front of the European Parliament, Pfizer’s President of International Developed Markets Janine Small admitted that the company never tested the company’s vaccine for transmission. Her excuse? The company had to move at the “speed of science” to get the vaccine to market.

Jimmy and America’s Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the various ways the public was misled about the COVID vaccines and the specific instances of various public officials and media figures carrying water for Big Pharma.”
