Daily Archives: February 26, 2024

Clare Daly and Yanis Varoufakis: Reclaim Europe for the people out of the hands of the lobbyists!…

Date: February 26, 2024

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“Clare Daly and Yanis Varoufakis on why we need to reclaim Europe for the people out of the hands of the lobbyists. This conversation took place after both spoke at a huge anti-war rally in Munich last weekend.”


“This Will Be The Nastiest, Dirtiest, Scariest Election In Our History” – Victor Davis Hanson…


Date: February 26, 2024

The quandary about sharing media like this…

…You sure can rightly expose the corruption and manipulation, of the sickeningly wealthy who call all the shots in the left establishment…

…And to be clear…Those Are Not Our Fucking People!Those People Are Not Us

…They piss off and infuriate progressive minded people, probably far more than anybody else…Because what is happening is seen as just another hijacking of the platform and message…and an ultimate sidelining of it…

…It’s good to see those fuckers laid bare, and exposed for what they are…It’s good to tare these manipulative fuckers down…

…It’s good…even when the Trump sycophants do it…

Thing is…ramming that train wreck down our throats for a second time, is not going to help us…

…Why are people to fucking stupid to see this?…

…He’s just the flip side, of the same poisoned coin…Only, he’s the unhinged, authoritarian christian rights boy…

If you actually give a damn about the common people…you’re fucked under Biden…you’re fucked under Trump…There is no fucking place to go, with either of these assholes…

…And yet…Yes…this can be said of almost all media out there…But…it’s nearly all couched in a sickening level of fawning over one of these bastards…just to dish out the dirt on the other bastard.

…You always get the shit sandwich shoved in your face, no matter where you go…

And you know what?…

…At the end of this “election”…one of these fucking cunts is going to be in the white house…and the U.S. political clown car will still be dragging us all to death behind it…

…Not a fucking thing of substance will have changed…and millions of idiots will be dancing in the streets, delusional with joy that “they’ve done something to avert some fate”…

…Meanwhile…they [like the rest of us] will continue being bled to death, as this country stubbornly refuses to quit marching towards full on collapse.

Trump is not going to save you [or us], anymore than Biden will.

There is no logical reason…why even the establishment, as corrupt as it is…cannot find nominees who are far more palatable, than these two sacks of shit…

…It’s all about forcing complete polarization, and mass disenfranchisement…They’re not even trying to hide it anymore.

So…now that you’ve endured another dose of my pure frustration at the U.S. political sham…let’s all hold our noses, and watch this biased skewering of the super wealthy behind the democrats, with a dose of flowery Trump revisionism.

Thing that drives me up the wall about Triggernometry…I like them because they are good at skewering so many things that are manifestly wrong in politics…Yet when you boil them down…they clearly push a “sink or swim”, authoritarian christian agenda, which attacks social safety systems for the masses…in a world and time, where the majority of people are drowning…

…There is so, so, so much, which is dead wrong about that…

…Yeah…I get it that they come from places, where the government is far to dominant over private life…[Hell, that’s true here in the USA]…But they’re living in a delusional bubble, if they think religious authoritarians are going to turn things around.

Francis and Konstantin absolutely have their own fanciful blind spots.

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“Victor Davis Hanson is an American classicist, military historian and political commentator. He has written on modern and ancient warfare and contemporary politics for such publications as The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, National Review, and The Washington Times. He is the author of many books, including, ‘The End of Everything: How Wars Descend into Annihilation.’

Victor’s books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Victor-Davis-Hanson/author/B000APGQDU/
More from Victor:

00:00 Introduction
00:28 Is the World Order Falling Apart?
04:01 What Has Happened to Provoke the East?
07:47 How Disasterous Has Biden’s Presidency Been?
10:33 The Current State of Our Enemies
12:34 How Stable is Western Dominance?
16:40 Sponsor Message: Magic Spoon
17:57 DEI Disaster in US School Admissions
20:10 Maintaining Western Dominance & Reversing the Damage Done
23:32 Can Victor Vote in Good Conscience?
27:25 What Does the Leader Say About the Place They Lead?
32:52 How the Media Will Handle Trump Now
36:16 Sponsor Message: Dissident Dialogues
37:46 Is There a Way to Vote Ourselves Out of the Nightmare?
43:58 Is Victor Hopeful?
45:02 The Pitfalls of Democracy
48:49 Positive Changes in the Media Landscape
50:03 What’s the One Thing We’re Not Talking About?”



Scott Ritter: Russia has DESTROYED the U.S. Military and NATO is Not Ready for What is Next…

Date: February 26, 2024

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“Former US Marine Corps Officer and UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter reveals the depths of Russia’s rise and the geopolitical transformation taking shape that places US military hegemony at grave risk of destruction. This video breaks it all down and is part of a late December 2023 livestream that remains more relevant than ever.”


Lookin’ For A Good FREE DAW…


Date: February 26, 2024

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“A look a some free Windows DAWs, and the surprising reasons why it’s so difficult to make a free DAW. (links below)









0:00 – Intro
2:35 – Soundbridge
3:40 – Ardour
5:33 – LMMS (and ASIO licensing rant)
9:55 – Cakewalk
12:47 – Cakewalk NEXT
13:18 – Bandlab
14:07 – RANT
17:17 – Amazing Kinda DAWs
19:00 – Balancing incense burners on my head”

