Daily Archives: February 8, 2024

RIP Funimation! RIP to Your Digital Anime Library?!…


Date: February 08, 2024

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“Funimation officially DIES on April 2. The brand is getting rolled into Crunchyroll as Sony has decided Crunchyroll has more brand recognition of the two anime companies. What does this mean for localizers and voice talent? Well, it’s probably NOT good news for many of them. Then we talk about how you won’t be able to bring your digital copies over from Funimation and anime fans are FURIOUS.”



PETA Gets P*SSED OFF Over Carousel Horses?!…


Date: February 08, 2024

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“Add carousel horses to the list of many things that PETA is faux outraged over. You heard us correctly… carousel horses. Because horses have feelings too.

Additional Context:
In a move that seems ripped straight from the pages of “You Can’t Make This Up,” PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) has trotted out its latest cause for concern: carousel horses. Yes, you read that correctly. The organization, notorious for its headline-grabbing stances on animal rights, is now taking a stand against the inanimate equines that have delighted children and adults alike for generations.

PETA’s beef with these merry-go-round mounts? It’s all about the message they convey. According to the animal rights group, carousels featuring animal figures, particularly horses, unwittingly glorify the exploitation of sentient beings. This perspective was shared by the Dutch arm of PETA, which backed its U.S. counterpart’s call to action against such fairground attractions, suggesting that these seemingly innocent rides may inadvertently celebrate the domination of conscious creatures​​.

The focus of PETA’s carousel critique is Chance Rides, a Kansas-based amusement ride manufacturer recognized as the largest in the United States. The organization has urged the company to cease the production and sale of animal-themed carousels, arguing that these attractions symbolize the exploitation of sentient beings. This push is part of PETA’s broader mission to protect not only living animals but also to challenge the societal norms and practices that, in their view, demean or degrade animal life, regardless of whether the animals in question are real or fabricated​​.

While it might be tempting to dismiss PETA’s latest campaign as tilting at windmills—or in this case, carousels—the organization’s actions underscore its commitment to advocating for animal rights in all forms, even when it comes to the synthetic and stationary. As PETA sets its sights on these traditional amusement rides, the debate it sparks may encourage a broader conversation on how animals, real or otherwise, are represented and revered in our culture.

Whether this carousel controversy will lead to any real change in the design and operation of merry-go-rounds remains to be seen. However, one thing is clear: PETA’s knack for generating discussion on animal rights issues, no matter how unconventional, continues to spin as reliably as the carousels it now critiques.”



The Comprehensive Vince McMahon Iceberg…


Date: February 08, 2024

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“From internet breaking scandals to ruthless power plays, join us as we uncover the hidden layers of WWE’s most iconic figure. This is the Vince McMahon Iceberg.

00:00 Vince McMahon WWE
00:47 Rita Chatterton
02:29 Owen Hart Fall
03:34 Trish Stratus Bark Like A Dog
04:43 Montreal Scewjob
05:29 Janel Grant
07:11 Vince McMahon Chris Benoit
08:50 Edge Lita Matt Hardy
10:06 CM Punk
11:00 Booker T John Cena Segment
11:51 Hush Money Scandal 2022
13:28 Juicing Trial 1994 WWE
14:27 Stacy Keibler Candice Michelle Sable Torrie Wilson
15:06 Jim Ross Bullying
16:18 Enjoys Firing People
17:00 John Oliver Workers Rights WWE
17:51 Saudi Arabia WWE Deal
19:27 Sable
20:11 Howard Finkel Bullying
20:57 Spa Manager
21:32 Stone Cold Steve Austin Debra Arrest
22:43 Tanning Salon
23:15 God & Shawn Michaels vs Shane McMahon & Vince McMahon
24:14 Jimmy Snuka Nancy Argentino
26:00 Brian Pillman Widow Interview
27:06 Ring Boy Scandal
28:38 Stephanie McMahon Vince McMahon Angle
29:19 Ashley Massaro”

Dutch Mantell says Vince McMahon made him uncomfortable

“The wrestling community has endured a bittersweet Royal Rumble weekend in light of the most recent lawsuit against Vince McMahon coming to light. In this episode of Smack Talk, former WWE manager Dutch Mantell shares his honest take with Sportskeeda co-hosts, Rick Ucchino and Sid Pullar III, on the 67-page manifesto that has been leveled against Vince McMahon. Dutch gets candid about how Vince McMahon always gave him a pervasive vibe during his WWE tenure.”

Dutch Mantell – Vince McMahon Is SH*T OBSESSED!

“Clip from Story Time with Dutch Mantell 84”

Dutch Mantell on Vince McMahon’s Mistake That Will Take Him DOWN



Family of ‘Blackface’ Chiefs Kid are SUING The Lying Media!…


Date: February 08, 2024

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“Deadspin defamed a young Kansas City Chiefs fan as being a racist wearing “blackface” and now the family is on the warpath. Yes, they’re suing G/O Media and we have to wonder if the beleaguered digital media company will end Deadspin (and maybe some other sites) rather than risk another high profile defamation lawsuit.”

They’re child abusers…That is exactly what those sacks of shit are.

