Daily Archives: February 2, 2024

I Realize People Digest Religion In Their Own Way…


Date: February 02, 2024

01) Religion – The Sinful Serenade

“Religion is a cosmic stage where the spotlight’s on ‘sin.’ The guilt trip – believers dealing with a cosmic weight on their shoulders.”

…but you simply cannot devise a more perfect system to fuck people up, and fuck people over, than organized religion.

I don’t deny that a lot of people find solace and meaning in it…The paradox is all the people it robs those things, and a whole lot more, from.

I will never understand how it is called “good”…where it tares families and individuals apart…where it saddles them with division, anger, lack of stability, mental anguish and a sense of automatic self immorality…eternal debt…unworthyness.

We all know I am talking about a certain type of religion here…Thing is…wherever it is found, it is just so insanely destructive.

The moral thing to do…is drive it out of your community…

…That’s what you’d do, if you give a damn about other human beings.

You wouldn’t feed them into something this fucked up…Not if you are mentally well, yourself.



Penn DUMPS Libertarians…

Date: February 02, 2024

01) LINK

In my early twenties, I was very friendly with the libertarian mindset.

I used to listen to a lot of people who were libertarians…at least as concerns their own property and finances…They were theocratic as relates to things like sexuality, speech…religion…

I, having come out of a lifetime of being raised in the church, did not at the time find any of this offensive, threatening…or even unusual…

It took a lot of personal growth, discovery and bravery, to finally start seeing and talking about things the way they are…and start caring about the world in general.

Today…I suppose you could call me a humanity based, secular socialist…

I say that private wealth should be capped at ten million dollars, by law.

I say that the governments true purpose, is to make certain every individual is sheltered, clothed, fed and cared for.

Open community resources should be the norm…everywhere…Education should be “free”.

We could do this right now, if things were structured correctly…and there weren’t so many greedy fucking bastards, who want to horde everything to themselves.


Batman BACKLASH Continues! Suicide Squad NOT Kevin Conroy’s Last Role?!…


Date: February 02, 2024

01) LINK

“Gamers are still FURIOUS about Batman’s death in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. However, it would appear that the game is NOT Kevin Conroy’s last role as Batman after all. His last role will be as THe Animated Series version of the Caped Crusader in Crisis on Infinite Earths Part 3.

Additional Context:
In the whirlwind of Gotham drama that has fans clinging to the edge of their Bat-seats, the controversy surrounding “Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League” has taken center stage. Here’s the scoop: there’s been quite the uproar over how the game depicted Batman’s, ahem, final performance by Kevin Conroy, the legendary voice behind the Dark Knight. Let’s dive into the Bat-cave of controversy and clear up some misconceptions, shall we?

First off, the rumor mill was abuzz with the assumption that this would be Conroy’s last hurrah as Batman, but surprise, surprise – that’s not the case. It turns out Kevin Conroy’s iconic voice will grace us in at least one more Batman role posthumously in “Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths, Part Three,” reprising his role as Bruce Wayne/Batman from Batman: The Animated Series. So, the torch hasn’t been passed just yet, folks​​​​.

Now, onto the game that’s caused all this hubbub. “Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League” dared to do the unthinkable – depicting Harley Quinn giving Batman a permanent headache, if you catch my drift. This brutal portrayal, described in a leaked alpha test, showed Harley Quinn (voiced by Tara Strong) making quite the literal mark on Gotham by using Batman’s corpse to create a Bat-signal. While the idea of this being Conroy’s final portrayal irked many, let’s remember, folks, he signed up for this role, capes and all​​.

Before the Bat-fans assemble with pitchforks in hand, it’s essential to remember the comic book world’s golden rule: death is rarely permanent. Leaks suggest that the supposedly deceased members of the Justice League, including our beloved Batman, might not be as dead as we thought. Rumors of DLC bringing back the fallen heroes are swirling, with even more characters supposedly joining the playable roster. So, keep your utility belts fastened – this ride isn’t over​​.

In essence, while the initial backlash was as fiery as one of Joker’s schemes, there’s more to this story than meets the eye. Kevin Conroy’s legacy as Batman is far from tarnished, and the Bat-signal will shine in Gotham once more. Let’s hang up the capes of outrage for now and see what twists and turns await in the expansive universe of DC games. After all, in Gotham, nothing is ever truly black and white – except maybe the Penguin’s tuxedo.”

