Daily Archives: November 22, 2023

Justice League Snyder Cut 2 FULL Breakdown and Sequel Movies Explained…


Date: November 22, 2023

01) LINK

“Covering new Justice League Snyder Cut 2 Sequel Movies Story Full Breakdown. Zack Snyder plans and story for Justice League 2 and Justice League 3 Movies. Lex Luthor Injustice League. Batman Knightmare timeline breakdown and changes. Batman Son and Future Batman Beyond Storyline. Justice League 3 Post Credit Scene with Batman Beyond Explained. And storylines for the rest of the characters. Wonder Woman, The Flash, Aquaman, Cyborg and Superman.

Justice League Snyder Cut Ending and Post Credit Scenes setting up Justice League 2 and Justice League 3 Sequels and solo movies. Like Ben Affleck’s version of The Batman Movie. And new Justice League Snyder Cut Alternate Ending Joker Scene with Batman. And Snyder Cut Martian Manhunter Ending Scene with Green Lantern Deleted Scenes Explained.

New Darkseid Ending Scenes. Superman vs Darkseid Explained. Future Knightmare Scenes, Deathstroke, Knightmare Scene Joker, Zack Snyder Justice League 2 Sequel Movies Story. New Henry Cavill Black Suit Superman Scenes, Batman and Joker Scenes with Jared Leto Joker. Superman and Darkseid Scenes Explained. New Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Cyborg Scenes. The Flash Movie Trailer. Ben Affleck Batman, Michael Keaton Batman, Black Adam Trailer and The Rock Black Adam vs Justice League Teaser.”

This would be great…They should still make it.



How Did Western Media Not Know This?…

Date: November 22, 2023

01) LINK

“CNN’s Christiane Amanpour asked former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak about whether he misspoke when, during this interview, he said that bunkers under the Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza were built by Israeli engineers. Barak responds that he didn’t misspeak. Amanpour replies: “Okay. That’s sort of thrown me a little bit.”


“Coming for the kids”…


Date: November 22, 2023

01) Pat Condell: OK Groomer

“The game is up, groomer. The party is over.” – Pat Condell

“Coming for the kids” is one of the biggest lines of dehumanizing BS, that anyone can pull out of their own arse…

…In case you haven’t bothered to notice…masses of children, themselves, are homosexual by nature…We who are MAP, gay and lesbian [and bi], were children once…We know what it means to exist as homosexual children…We know there continue to be homosexual children out there, dealing with the exact same issues, hostilities and abuses, which we had to endure and survive…

…We’re trying to make life better for them, than it was for us…We’re trying to create a world, which accepts and nurtures them…

…Or were you by chance enjoying the fact, that this world is such shit at integrating sexual minority children and youth, that we have a far higher rate of suicide in our demographic?

I never expected you to step up to bat for the MAP community, Pat…

All the same…it really is sad and disappointing, watching you sink to this level of pure vitriol, with this screed of half baked, conspiracy talking points…

It’s no shock this got taken down from YouTube [I don’t agree with that happening, by the way]…It’s not even humorous…It’s just an ugly, hate filled, abusive tirade, spouting off a whole lot of nonsense and lies.

It’s sad to see you so bitter and abusive, hurling long debunked, vicious stereotypes…

Your hate will not intimidate…We are not leaving…The MAP movement isn’t just beginning…We have our legs and solid footing…We know who we are, and exactly why we are fighting…This is about survival for us…It’s about standing up in defense and shelter, for people of all ages and races, who are relentlessly shit on by a world which has thrown them away…a world which reviles them, for “the sin” of merely being born and existing.

We do this…because in so many cases [often, just like our own]…their own fucking parents wont even step up, and have their back…These parents lack the humanity, to accept and support their own children…

…I, for one…am honored to do such in their stead…in their dereliction…in their abandonment…

…And I don’t give a flying fuck, if you or anybody else dislikes my sexuality…Cry and spew venom all you like…Kick, punch and cut me…

…That’s not going to do shit, in stopping me from doing the right thing…I am one of the better human beings, who focuses on what needs to be done…My skin is thick, from over half a century of weathering this abuse…I am immune to your poison…

As a Minor Attracted Person, I still thank you for the publicity…Perhaps more who need us, will find us because of your mention.

