Daily Archives: May 22, 2024

Time Bandits Reboot Has NO Actors with Dwarfism?!…


Date: May 22, 2024

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“Apple is rebooting Time Bandits with Taika Waititi and Lisa Kudrow… and not a single dwarf actor as far as we can tell. Is this another example of Hollywood ditching dwarf actors like they did with Snow White and Wonka?”

…Another reboot?…

…While I confess to being curious about the Neverending Story reboot, because that is more of a series of movies…I just don’t see a reason to reboot Time Bandits…In my opinion, Time Bandits is already perfect at being what it is…

…Neverending Story?…the first movie is perfect at being what it is…what came after is a train wreck.

Restarting the series holds some legitimate space for optimism…even though I’m not crazy about remaking the first movie.




Date: May 22, 2024

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The only thing I care to hear out of that bastards filthy mouth…is an “innocent” or “guilty” plea, as he stands in front of a judge.

Other than that…this fucker has no right to speak at all.


Xbox Gamers PISSED over Studio Shutdowns…


Date: May 22, 2024

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“Gamers are NOT happy with Microsoft right now! As you may have heard, Microsoft shut down several Game Studios earlier this month. Arkane Austin, Alpha Dogs, Tango Gameworks and more have all been shuttered. One popular theory is that Xbox just wants to focus on its more popular IP and all the new, shiny toys it acquired from Activision Blizzard. Whatever the reason, Studios feel betrayed – while some Studio Heads say this is exactly why they would never let a big, greedy company acquire them. Can Phil Spencer turn this around for Xbox? Have gamers had enough of Uncle Phil?! Will Couch Guy finally call it quits with his beloved Xbox??? Find out today on a brand new episode of Xbox Girl! Big thanks for watching from Reckless Comedy, the Creators behind PlayStation Girl, Switch Girl and the NEW PC Girl!”

