Daily Archives: May 31, 2024

Expert says the Chinese military could seize Taiwan’s government buildings in under an hour…

Date: May 31, 2024

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“Images of Chinese warships seen off the coast of Taiwan served as a dire warning of a potential invasion that could disrupt the technology supply chain, plunge the world into an economic catastrophe, and start a hot war between the U.S. and China. NBC News’ Ken Dilanian speaks with a geopolitics expert who believes an actual invasion could be over before the U.S. even has a chance to respond.”


China can take Taiwan, anytime it wants to.


USAID Contractor Resigns After Presentation on Maternal & Child Mortality in Gaza Canceled…

Date: May 31, 2024

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“In a broadcast exclusive, Democracy Now! speaks with Alex Smith, a former contractor with the U.S. Agency for International Development who resigned in protest over the Biden’s administration’s support for the war on Gaza. Smith worked as a senior adviser on gender, maternal health, child health and nutrition at USAID until last week, when he was set to deliver a presentation on maternal and child mortality among Palestinians. One day before he was scheduled to present, the USAID leadership canceled his presentation. Smith says he was then given a choice between resignation and dismissal. “I would like them to stop gaslighting and speak truthfully about what is happening,” says Smith, who says USAID must do more than acknowledge famine is happening in Gaza. “We need to take the next step of saying it is illegal and who is doing the starvation intentionally.” Smith condemns the Biden administration for silencing U.S. experts while supporting Israel, which claims there is no famine in Gaza. “It’s shameful that that misinformation can go around the world to millions, while we at USAID can’t even whisper about it in a conference on gender and human rights and health outcomes.”


Trump verdict. Biden secret attack Russia. Elensky emotional, paranoia. Macron at war with Russia…

Date: May 31, 2024

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“Trump verdict. Biden secret attack Russia. Elensky emotional, paranoia. Macron at war with Russia
Topic 1345”

Without ever having heard him explicitly state such…I can tell you one thing about Alex Christoforou…and it’s something about these sorts of people, that bothers me…

…He is on board with the trump and christian agenda…He just doesn’t come right out and say it…It’s more of a “wink, wink”, fluffing over all the fucked up shit that trump has done, with a giggle and an eye roll…as if “it’s all just nothing”…”ludicrous to make anything out of it”…”why would anyone care?”…

…I realize he presents much the same demeanor, when talking about all the fucked up shit with biden…but he just frames trump completely different…as in “biden the disaster” versus “trump the innocent, political target”…

This recent trial and conviction of trump…

…We all know the political atmosphere this is taking place in…as well as the relative rinkydink flavor of this trial, as opposed what he honestly should be on trial for…We all know…that Washington DC is crawling with criminals…We all know that the vast majority of them are shielded from the law…

…We all know there had to have been scheming and colluding, in order for trump to have ended up here…We all know this is not normal…and on some insane, convoluted level…”it’s not fair”, because it’s hypocritical to not be leading so many more politicians off in handcuffs, arrested by the police…

…What really bothers the fuck out of me, however…is when people like Alex simply dismiss all the charges…and pretend like the court cases against trump have no valid reason to go on, in their own right…

…You know…for the purpose of actually addressing the behaviors of trump, as they relate to law and the public?…For the purpose of stopping an obvious criminal?…

Yes…there were clearly political motives in this trial…But how the hell does this dismiss the fact, that trump is a criminal monster?…Do you honestly want anyone of that nature, with that past, back in power?

We all know what he is coyly about…We all know he has sold out to the christian nationalist movement…We all know, that fucker is going to attempt making massive social changes which will devastate this country…and attempt codifying into law [probably the constitution], various monstrous parts of the christian nationalist agenda…

Trump is a pathological liar, who cannot even be trusted…and an insane portion of the population actually wants this piece of shit in power, expecting him to shove dystopian changes onto the masses?…

…And Alex thinks this is good?!!

I think it’s a bit hyperbolic to say that I lose respect for people, when they take this stance and talk about trump in that way…But it does bother me…and it substantially damages their integrity, in my eyes.

I just don’t understand how you can see biden for what he is…but completely fail at doing the same with trump…

…I am left to presume, that Alex simply wants the trump [and christian nationalist] agenda.

I am making this assessment, based on having watched his videos for a few years now.

“This verdict was no surprise”…”kangaroo court”…

…Actually Alex, it legitimately surprised me…because the powers that be so frequently manage to find, some inexplicable way to fuck things up and let politician criminals off the hook…

In my mind, this was a complete toss up…But I was strongly anticipating trump would walk away, completely free from all consequence, except maybe another meaningless fine…Hell…he may still get a meaningless sentence…This soap opera is not over…There is plenty of time to render it toothless…and plenty of scumbags out there, who might let it happen…

This whole thing is far away from being settled justice…It’s just legal paperwork and news reports, at this point in time.


…Keep in mind…what you dismiss as a “kangaroo court”, was actually a jury of trumps peers in New York. It’s not even a case under federal jurisdiction…It’s literally a representation of The People, hearing this case and standing in judgement of it.

…Your integrity is exceedingly poor on this issue, Alex.

Good grief!…When you are talking about people engaged in bad behavior…at least be consistent!

That’s the bare minimum of standard for integrity.


Windows 11 Recall Creeps Me Out [Audio Podcast Episode]…


Date: May 31, 2024

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“Windows has unveiled a new AI feature called “Recall” which will scan and recall everything on a users’ desktop. Security experts are already sounding the alarms, thinking this could be a cybersecurity risk. Is it time to look into jumping to another operating system, or are internet users desensitized to all the invasions of privacy already?”

Those assholes inexplicably cannot even make their own, ancient Documents Search feature work anymore…

…It’s fucking insane…Their incompetence is legendary.

They don’t even know how to repair and maintain their own operating systems.

