Daily Archives: May 3, 2023

Steven Crowder Is Just Plain Racist – Steven Crowder – Part 2…


Date: May 03, 2023

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“Steven Crowder was recently offered a $50 million USD contract with The Daily Wire. He not only refused the contract but also went on a big tirade about how awful The Daily Wire was. The drama was massive and everyone was covering it for a long time. The drama has died down almost completely at this point, but Steven will not let it go. He made this video addressing the “controversy” surrounding him. He said he’s had a “boot on (his) neck” for months.

Steven opens up by talking about his divorce. He heavily implies that his wife shouldn’t have been allowed to divorce him. He said his beliefs on family and parenting have remained the same. The divorce definitely IS NOT his kids fault. Why does he bring that up? I have no idea. No one mentioned his children or them being responsible. Some of them are literal babies.

In this part of the video Steven talks about how Republicans aren’t trying to control women or women’s health care. He claims there has been NO reduction in the ability of women to get certain procedures in the last year. He also claims he personally doesn’t want to control women and he thinks it’s ridiculous for anyone to believe otherwise. If you’ll recall part one of this video, he clearly says women should not be allowed to divorce men without the husband’s permission. I’m not sure which reality he’s living in but it isn’t this one.

For some reason, Steven also inserts race into several stories rapid fire style. In my opinion, this clearly shows his true character. He ignores race motivated crimes with black victims and tries to insert race motivations into crimes where the victim is white and the perpetrator is black. Then he asks why no one is talking about the races of the later. Because it’s irrelevant. These are talking points straight from the triple k group.”


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The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy…


Date: May 03, 2023

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“Here’s the absolutely hysterical, wonderfully wild, cosmic adventure comedy THE HITCHHIKER’S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY. Based on Douglas Adams’ worldwide best-selling novel, and starring an outrageous intergalactic cast, this is one ride you don’t want to miss. Seconds before Earth is destroyed to make way for a new hyperspace express route, mild-mannered Arthur Dent is whisked into space by his best friend (an alien posing as an out-of-work actor). And so the misadventures begin as he and fellow travelers, including the cool but dim-witted President of the Galaxy, the Earth girl Trillian, and Marvin the paranoid android, search for answers to the mystery of Life, the Universe, and Everything.”

