Daily Archives: May 18, 2023

Dianne Feinstein DOESN’T REMEMBER 3-Month Absence From Senate, Fetterman STRUGGLES During Hearing…

Date: May 18, 2023

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“Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave discuss Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-Calif.) recent comments on her health, and react to react to Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.)’s recent comments on Silicon Valley Bank. #SVB #Banking #Slate #California”

Does she remember being elected?


MyPillow CEO Begs For Help After Blowing Fortune On Election Lies…

Date: May 18, 2023

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“During an interview on Right Side Broadcasting, MyPillow CEO finally admitted that things are not going so well for him financially, and he’s calling on the public to help him. In fact, Lindell basically begged the audience with a plea of “I need your help.” For months, Lindell has denied reports that his finances are in bad shape, but this plea seemed to confirm that things are going very badly, as Farron Cousins explains.

*This transcript was auto-generated. Please excuse any typos.

According to MyPillow, c e o, Mike Lindell things may not be going as well at his companies as he’s led on for the last few months. And during a recent, uh, very quick interview with the right side broadcasting network, you know, those highly reputable folks, Lindell said that for a limited time only, he is offering folks the opportunity to buy stock, as he’s calling it in his Lindell TV slash Frank Speech Company. He said, uh, well let me, let me read your quote here. He says, for the next couple weeks, could be for two or to four weeks, we’re offering stock to the public. This is gonna be amazing. But at that point, the right side broadcasting host called back to a comment Lindell had made right before he announced his new grift. And he said, hang on a second. He spent over $40 million.

And then Lindell said, I spent over 40 million. I and I need help. We need help making our voice bigger. I can’t tell the details. The lawyer says, I will only let you tell this much. Oh, you need help. All right. Um, I don’t think anybody’s gonna argue at that point with you. Um, the question is, well, we know what kind of help you need, but I’m talking about financial help right now because it seems like you’re complaining about spending 40 million of your own money on your attempts to overturn the 2020 election that have fallen completely flat. And of course, not only gotten you sued by multiple voting companies, but now you also with that ruling at the end of last month, you gotta pay 5 million to the Trump voter who actually proved you’re wrong. So yeah, it kind of sounds like you’re in financial dire straits right now, and that’s why of course you’re offering stock to the public in a company that is not publicly traded.

So I’m not sure how exactly that works. All I know is that you really can’t buy stock, or at least you can’t even call it that in a company that is not publicly traded. So what you’re begging people for the help you are begging them for is financial support. It’s not to make your voice bigger, it’s probably to make sure that you have enough money to, uh, you know, fight those lawsuits when they finally go to trial. Make no mistake, reports have been coming out for months and months, basically for the last year or so, saying that Mike Lindell and his MyPillow company could be in financial trouble. And part of the reason for that, of course, is because many brick and mortar stores have pulled his products from their lineup due to his extreme political views. And of course, his attempts to overturn the election, which is part of the extreme political views, all according to reports, all of his brick and mortar MyPillow

Stores have now been shut down. And I have to imagine that that has hurt his bottom line. He’s still advertising on Fox News, but how many of those people are buying pillows? I know he puts videos out constantly. How many of your viewers are buying pillows on the regular to keep your company above water when they can’t walk into a store anymore and buy one? Well, they can walk into a couple. I, I’ll give you that. Yeah. But it does seem like you’re actually just begging for money with yet another grift. And it could be because again, maybe you’re in financial dire straits, or maybe you just like pulling the wool over people’s eyes by offering them stock in a company that’s probably never going to give them a return on their investment. You are duping people out of money at this point. And while I typically have no problem with these hardcore, let’s overthrow the country, uh, people losing their money, I do think it is worth pointing out to these individuals that you will get nothing in return.

Your money would be better spent putting it at a big pile and lighting it on fire. At this point, Mike Lindell knows his audience, though he knows how to play the game, and he is playing it just as well as Donald Trump. And I am sure he is going to get plenty of people to buy stock in Frank’s speech so he can continue lying to the public. And maybe that’s for the best for him because he is gonna need all the cash he can get when it finally comes time to have to pay out from the Dominion and Smart Matic lawsuits against him.



Former Cabinet Official Says Trump Was ‘Most Evil Person’ He’d Ever Met…

Date: May 18, 2023

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“A former member of Donald Trump’s cabinet says that the former President is the “most evil person I’ve ever met,” according to another former administration official. As Trump continues to surge in the polls, more and more Republicans – including those from Trump’s previous administration – are desperately sounding the alarm bells about how dangerous he is, but Republicans don’t appear to be listening. Farron Cousins explains what’s happening.

*This transcript was auto-generated. Please excuse any typos.

Recently, a former staffer from the Trump administration by the name of Miles Taylor, and you might remember that name, as the individual who uh, eventually owned up to writing that anonymous op-ed in the New York Times, where he said that, you know, there is a small resistance of us in the Trump administration trying to fight him from the inside. And anyway, miles Taylor came out last week on Twitter, and he quoted a former Trump cabinet official, which obviously means somebody handpicked by Donald Trump to run a government department. And here is what Taylor said this official had to say. And for the record, he did not name who this official was, but he did give us a pretty good hint of who it could have been. Here’s what Taylor said. I’ll never forget an ex Trump cabinet member telling me he is truly the most evil person I have ever met.

We cannot make this mistake again. Now, Taylor is the one who said, we cannot make this mistake again. And the reason he is coming out and saying this now is because we are seeing a lot of former Trump people coming out and sounding the alarm bells about how horrible Donald Trump is as he continues to surge in the Republican polling. Like that is what is terrifying. The people, the people who worked side by side with him, the people who know the inner workings of his previous administration better than anybody else, those are the ones out there telling us, don’t let this guy back in office. Okay? You’re not hearing that just from, you know, those of us on the left. You’re not only hearing it from the Democrats, you are hearing it from the people who at one point said, I like this guy so much, I want to work for him.

I want to be a part of this. And then they saw it and they saw the real hymn, okay? A real version of Donald Trump that most of us will never actually see, will only see what gets presented from Trump. But these people saw the real hymn, and they’re telling us he is evil. He’s not just a horrible person. He wasn’t just a bad president, he wasn’t stupid about the issues, he was all those things. But they’re telling us it goes deeper than that. We are dealing with a man who these people claim is genuinely evil. And I think that is a very strong word, and I think of course, that these people use it for a reason to invoke those emotions in us. When we think of pure, unadulterated evil, they want you to think of Donald Trump. But as I said, he did give us a little hint as to who it may have been, because after that tweet, he

Then sent out a tweet where he quoted former Trump chief of Staff, John Kelly, which kind of made it seem like maybe it was Kelly who said that it would definitely make sense if it were Kelly who said that. But here’s what Kelly said, according to the second tweet, the depths of his dishonesty is just astounding to me. The transactional nature of every relationship, though it’s more pathetic than anything else. He is the most flawed person I have ever met in my life. And again, I know he’s got the cult members out there and they love whatever he does no matter what it is. But the people who got to work side by side with him, the people who had to deal with him every day in a situation that, of course Donald Trump has never been in with basically unlimited power, they saw what absolute power did to this man.



VanillaBeast: Retro Knock-Out!…


Date: May 18, 2023

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“Think Leisure Suit Larry gets lost in Frank Millers Sin City then runs into Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out! in a dark alley. Whether you’re a hardcore boxing fan, a retro gamer, or a casual gamer looking for a fun (and funny) fast-paced boxing game, Retro KO! is the parody game for you!

VanillaBeast: Retro Knock-Out!
A Parody Game

VB Retro Knock-Out! is the first prequel chapter to VanillaBeast: Ace in the Hole. Follow Vanilla as he works through the boxing ranks facing off against tons of parody boxing opponents on his way to the undisputed champion of the Venereousville Boxing Association.. Tike Myson.

Experience nostalgic game play and visuals as you battle over 30 parody opponents in your quest to become the champ. Retro Knock-Out! is a “pick up and play” arcade boxing game with beautiful pixel art, incredible arenas, mature story, and fast-paced arcade style gameplay.

Not only will you experience awesome retro gameplay, but you’ll come along for a titillating story told through the awesome visuals of Oleg Okunev (Perky Little Things, Metropolis: Lux Obscura, Pestilence, etc.). Trust us when we say we’re not pulling any punches when it comes to introducing you to Vanilla’s hometown, Venereousville USA. From Strips Ahoy! Gentlemen’s Club to Glod’s Gym to the sacred boxing ring, you’re in for a wild ride.

Head back to the late 80s / early 90s with tons of nostalgic pop culture easter eggs and references. Retro Knock-Out! is a project of passion created by children of the 90s who want to bring that special time in history back to you. 8-bit chiptunes, hilarious parody songs, familiar old school gameplay and comedy that hits like Caddyshack (back when comedy was actually good) did. Remember, Retro Knock-Out! is just like Jack Burton always said.. it’s all in the reflexes.

Over 30 parody boxers with hilarious intros, dialog, and animations. Face off against Fake Jaul, Mason Gorehees, Cocky, Iron Druggo, Macho Boxer Dandy Ravage, Smasher Wang, and of course the reigning champ.. Tike Myson.

Gorgeous character and level design paying homage to the OG Punch-Out!

Awesome indoor and outdoor parody venues such as “Madison’s Bare Garden” and “Big Bounce Beach” offer fun and unique boxing locations.

Beautiful story illustrated by Oleg Okunev (Perky Little Things, Pestilence, Metropolis: Lux Obscura, etc.).

10-point must scoring system, just like the pros use.

Classic soundtrack featuring original 8-Bit chiptunes as well as modern parody tracks.

Full boxer entrances complete with ring walks, dialog, and intro music.

Retro-style gameplay brought together with modern animation and game design. We have something for retro gamers as well as true boxing fans.”

This looks awesome!



American Psychosis – Chris Hedges on the US empire of narcissism and psychopathy…


Date: May 18, 2023

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“Subscribe! American Psychosis – Chris Hedges on the US empire of narcissism and psychopathy. Directed by Amanda Zackem http://www.americancanary.org Short film by American Canary. WCS is currently in production of the documentary, Ecosophia featuring David Holmgren, Prof. Tim Garrett, Prof. Ian Lowe, William Ophuls, John Gowdy, Helena Norberg-Hodge, Morag Gamble and many others. To support the production consider purchasing the trip-hop synth-pop album Happenstance by the director available from Bandcamp for just AUD$10.

It’s obvious, logical, natural, even mathematical that our civilization is going to collapse, that we have overshot the sustainable carrying capacity of the earth and ecosystem that supports us. But people are fed false hope, false positives and magical faiths which extract your agency and distract you from your presence. Held captive by apathy, afraid of your own shadow. PCD”

