No, “Homosexual Marriage” is Not Explicitly Mentioned In The United States Constitution…


……………………………………| Perverted Justice Journal | The Vile Files |


Date: September 11, 2015

01) Free Kim Davis, Fire Shepard Smith

…But do you know what is explicitly guaranteed in the United States Constitution?

…It is the right of every U.S. citizen, to take part in both government and the structure of law.

U.S. Citizens have the constitutionally guaranteed right, to work through the government and legal system, in order to make it better work for them. They have the right to work towards social and legal change…which includes altering their own social and legal status.

What really gets me…is that so few people behind these “defense of marriage” acts, even understand the true depth of what they did…In fact, they down right trivialize what they did, and behave angrily over it’s predictable fall.

I had one of these folks in my place of work, the other day…They were going on and on, about “the people voted, and the supreme court has ignored us”, and so on, and so forth…and she was all shaken and pissy about it. I couldn’t just leave…I could not really say anything…I was kept a hostage audience to this oral [and mental] diarrhea, for much longer than I should have been assaulted with it…and it was really starting to bother me…most especially this attitude she radiated, of utter contempt towards sexual minorities…her self entitled sense, that she has any right to vote away other people’s right to seek social and legal change.

She even went so far as to say, “Most of them [gays and lesbians] don’t really want marriage anyway, and they don’t want to be where they are unwelcome”…

…Yeah, lady…I’m sure gays and lesbians are “happy” to have you as an authoritative spokesperson for them.

But seriously…I really badly wanted to tell her to leave…Because what she was doing, was extremely inappropriate…especially in that setting…and extended exposure to this contemptuous attitude, was seriously getting on my nerves.

I so badly wanted to tell her to her face, what I am about to tell you…

…”Defense of marriage” was an attempt at alienating entire groups of U.S. citizens, from their constitutionally guaranteed right to better themselves, by engaging government and law…and actually expecting to gain something out of it.

What these “defense of marriage” people were trying to do, is strip people of their rights to have government and law work for them…They saw that these groups were fighting for a specific goal…and they tried to preempt their ability to attain it…effectively forcing a legal ceiling, on certain groups.

This is why “defense of marriage” was unconstitutional…This is why, it had to be shot down by the supreme court.

In fact…these “defense of marriage” acts were criminal acts, according to the U.S. constitution.

You cant vote away that fundamental right, of other people…no matter how much contempt you have towards them.

Will the people who thought it was such a bright idea, ever admit so much?…I wouldn’t bet on it.

…And now we have this Kim Davis woman, who has become this focal point for the righteous outraged to rally around…and spread more of their cruel, nasty ugliness.

I intend to share some links, and discuss a little bit more in regards to her…soon.

There’s plenty more that could be commented on, in this episode of “USA Survival” [as if, I’d ever want or trust these bozos, with the survival of the USA…Under their guidance, we’d all be doomed.]…

By all means…do not miss the “religious experience” side step Cliff and Peter take, when responding to the exposing of Kim’s own train wreck of a marriage life…They are no big fans of owning your own past…not when they have self proclaimed “forgiveness from god”…and religious hocus pocus such as “jesus forgive me!”, to hide behind…Say the magic words, and act as though everything bad from your past no longer exists, huh guys?

They act like critical examination of Kim’s own life behaviors is “out of bounds”, because that all happened “before she came back to god”…and because she makes this religious claim, “none of it matters, anymore”…

…Oh boy!

This is why religious extremists need to stay out of politics…They think nothing of alienating other people from the political sphere…They think it’s the way it should be…and they get angry, when people tell them they cant do that.



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