Virginia Republican wants to ‘protect’ children by mandating their genitals are inspected in school…

Date: January 14, 2016

01) Virginia Republican wants to ‘protect’ children by mandating their genitals are inspected in school

“Virginia Del. Mark Cole, a Republican of course, is so wound up about whether a transgender person might use a public restroom that he’s introduced legislation that would require schoolchildren’s genitals be inspected before they’re allowed to go to the bathroom.”


…In a world where school teachers are mortified at the prospect, of even being accused of anything questionable with a child…

…Virginia republican Mark Cole wants to send them straight into the underwear of pupils?…

That is quite the quandary…Isn’t it?…

…Or will this be delegated to the school nurse?

Sometimes…and I know this is “wrong”, on some level…but…sometimes, I just love setting back and watching this world eat itself, with stupidity.


…I’m wondering when lessons will start getting learned…and which straw is going to break the camels back.

…Do you think we are getting close?

The transgendered pupil question is an interesting one, however.

Biologically, we are all a mix of male and female, anyway…and we each have a unique balance…It doesn’t always fit, with social gender role constructions.

You watch…the day may come, when they do away with “community” restrooms…and they replace them with walls of closet sized micro-restrooms, with locked doors requiring keys [that each person has to sign out]…and cameras and hall monitors, patrolling the hallways outside.

…Sort of like being temporarily sent to prison, to take a pee.

Wouldn’t want anyone taking out those dangerous body parts, to injure another person by letting them see it.

Oh, the horror!

I’m guessing bills that will outlaw all reminders, that humans even have to pee and poop, will be coming along in the not too distant future.

…My optimism on collective human intelligence, just isn’t that high.

This type of news story displays, why diversity in thought and thinking for ourselves is so vital.

…If we don’t seize and exercise our right to thought and expression…we get dragged down these rabbit holes…and a lot of people do, honestly, get hurt by it.

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