He Wants an Uprising…


……………………………………| Perverted Justice Journal | The Vile Files |


Date: May 23, 2016


Completely Change the Perception of What a Pedophile Is?…

…Explaining where reality of being a pedophile differs from the pedophile stereotype [and the many, many social misconceptions on what pedophilia means], is an act of social education.

When perception of a thing, an issue, a state of being is so badly distorted from the reality…it serves all of us best, to re-align our perception so that it fits the reality.

The only reason to resist this approach…is that holding onto ignorance and distortion, is somehow bringing you a sense of gain…or you are scared of the possibilities, in holding a different perception.

There is no practical reason, for anyone to continue holding onto demonstrably wrong ideas about “pedophiles”.

There is no honest or ethical reason, for failing to recognize when a stereotype is a stereotype…unless you have some medical condition, rendering you terminally ignorant even in the face of honest facts.

Supposed to sympathize and be compassionate with “pedophiles”…

Well…at the risk of looking like I’m putting words into Todd’s mouth…

…I think the whole point, was to start a public dialogue…one in which maybe, with many people, we could educate them on what is known…on what common beliefs are only stereotypes…on what fears may be substantial…and which are likely not…to lessen the stigma enough, to where “pedophiles” who fear they might do something stupid, can have enough of a safe open door, to seek help from others…

…I mean, forgive me for throwing this up into your face…but one of the single most cliché retorts people like you shout at us “pedophiles”…is “get help”…

…But the real world actions of people just like you, typically scream that you intend to do everything within your power, to undermine a “pedophile’s” ability to successfully find help, should they actually need it.

It is entirely bogus, the way people like you blame us for everything from child rape [and murder], to secondary social issues caused by phobia of “pedophiles”…Yet the second anyone in our community takes the initiative, to attempt altering the way things currently are [which includes the issue of child rape, by the way]…you’re the first out of the gate, to pounce and attack…

You bash us when we are silent and out of sight…You bash us when we are trying to have a public dialogue, and make real changes in this world for the better…You bash us, whenever anybody [pedophile or not] does anything sexual with, or against, a legal minor…

…There is just no scenario available, in which people like you fail to charge out bashing us.

…You should really reflect upon this, and the true damage that your own behavior is doing.

Blind outrage and self righteous anger, helps nobody…You wont find any answers there.

Needing institutionalization…

While I will personally admit…that living in a world this saturated with hostility, which thinks nothing of dealing people like us the endless psychological mind fuck that it does…It can become hard, at times, to maintain your sanity…and your bearings.

The reality of this world…is that if you are a “pedophile”…you will live a life being constantly assaulted, from childhood onwards, with the brainwashing conditioning that “you are dangerous…you are violent…and you will rape”…

…From my experience…most of us can identify some point in our lives…where we finally recognized and perceived what heinous, alarming, shocking and frightening things were being widely claimed about us…what we were being told we were…and what we were told was in store for us…

…This discovery usually happens in adolescence…And then we are left, abandoned and isolated, to work through all of this on our own…For many of us, trying to reconcile it with the fact, that we may not have any mean or cruel intent, at any point in our lives…

…It’s an attraction…

…It’s not an attraction to violence…It’s not an attraction to rape…It’s not an attraction to power imbalance…

…It’s an attraction to the physical and personal characteristics, of children.

As a rule of thumb…those who you are attracted to…normally, you do not want to harm.

There is nothing inherent to being a pedophile, which makes an individual wish to harm a child.

Are there situations that demanded an intervention, because an actual pedophile did something stupid, and it injured a child?…Yes, that has happened.

…Take a bow, and thank yourselves, for not just conditioning and isolating that one pedophile…but for driving us, as groups, so far underground, that we cannot even effectively reach out to people like that, before they do something stupid…or, for lack of a better term…so that we cannot police the lesser stable, of our own kind.

…You have no right to blame us for what such people do…while you stand in the way, and hinder us from trying to stop people in those situations.

Do you think it honestly serves us, to allow children to be raped?…Do you?

This is not about orgasms, and sex thrills…This is our lives, we are talking about…This is about how we all can best move forward, in a way humane and fair to everybody.

Thinking about five year olds…

…So, what?…

…You believe people never get enchanted over five year olds, who aren’t their own offspring?

It’s actually fairly common…

…And, no…It’s not the same manner of “falling in love”, nor the same expectations…as one might ascribe to two adults falling in love. It’s a different relationship dynamic…There are different needs.

Just because it doesn’t mirror everything two adults might do together, doesn’t make it invalid.

One can, indeed, fall in love with a child.

I certainly wont judge Todd’s decision to leave the situation…I’m sure, given his level of knowledge at the time…his almost certain lack of a community foundation…it was sensible for him to think that way…that this was the right thing to do.

Coming out…

You should be thankful that people like Todd have found the bravery, to take such a step…

…Those of us who put ourselves out here, are fighting the war against sexual brutality, from a place and on a level, you clearly have never even conceived of.

The “pedophiles” who do this, are laying themselves bare…in ways which could believably get us killed…

…None of this is about hopes of having sex with children [or teenagers].

…All of it is about openness, and self sacrifice…to move things along to a place, where genuinely meaningful action can happen.

The person you mock…his bravery is a giant, towering over your cowardly attacks.

…Don’t be a coward, hiding behind attacks…Join the real conversation, and learn something.

Coming out as a “Pedophile”, equals coming out as a mass murderer…

These two things have absolutely nothing in common, except for the few incidents on record, where a mentally ill “pedophile” happened to murder multiple children [or people of various ages]…Again, thank yourselves, for mentally prepping this person to conduct such a life…He’s your pet project, not ours. We are entirely too disenfranchised, and too widely dispersed and disconnected, to be able to affect other “pedophiles” to such a degree…You “normal folk”, on the other hand…You spend years and decades, drilling these things into their minds…long before they ever actually do any of it.

Having an attraction, and seeking the council and support of your family in dealing with it, has absolutely nothing to do with killing another person…let alone, killing a series of people.

The fact that you are attempting to make this outlandish comparison, just establishes how little you understand about pedophiles and pedophilia…and the conversation at hand.

…Yes…it’s a bad stereotype…but do keep in mind…we are human beings…we are not stereotypes.

…I’m not going to make it through this entire video, as I’m going to go to bed soon…So, I just wanted to make one last comment…or, ask one question to “A Call For An Uprising” [forgive that I’ve not found, or at least remembered, the name of the guy behind this video]…

The question is this…

…What possible good do you imagine yourself doing, in making and publishing this video…where you throw stones at another human being, who is bearing a burden you likely have no concept of the personal weight and consequence of?…

…Or, maybe you do understand it, and you’re just reacting with hostility to compensate for your own attractions of this nature, which you’ll never admit too…and likely will never come to terms with…

…Don’t laugh…A lot of you are closet cases, hiding in the angry masses…thinking nobody will suspect “you”, because you are leading the charge, and voicing the loudest outrage.

Even if that’s not the case for you…what good is coming out of this attack of yours?…Do your followers need to throw a tantrum?…Do they need a boogeyman?…Do they need to go searching with a fine tooth comb, and a magnifying glass, to uncover the latest enemy, so that their lives are given the illusion of fighting the good fight?…some sad excuse, for meaning in life?

You’ve only shown yourself to be a reactionary…charging and piling onto the people, who are trying to have the real conversations this type of social conflict demands.

…People like you need to learn…that if you are hell bent on stopping these kinds of conversations, and these kinds of searches for real solutions…then you need to leave alone, those people who are fighting to find those solutions…

As far as I’m concerned…you, sir, are on the frontline…contributing to the rape of children…doing everything you can, to stop those of us with relevant insight, from being able to come to the table and tackle this very issue [amongst others].

If you cannot be better than that…then just be silent.



1 thought on “He Wants an Uprising…

  1. eqfoundation Post author

    It should be noted, that the “40 billion dollar child sex trafficking” number, is highly dubious.

    I expect the person behind this video, is familiar with the concept of reporters taking unsubstantiated “statistics”, and spinning them into yellow journalism.

    The “billions of dollars in child sex trafficking”, is pure speculation…It was pulled out of someone’s butt…A lobbyist or campaigner for the sex abuse industry, forcefully making the assertion, is a likely suspect…They commonly quote each other, taking care to alternately inflate the numbers, each time…The false compounding creates alarming numbers…Let’s at least be clear about that.

    It would take a massive fraction of the worlds population, to create such an enormous market.

    Many of the places where “underage sex” is legal, have a population living in poverty…so, the money isn’t really coming from them, is it?…certainly nothing in the billions.

    Let’s be sensible, and recognize when we are encountering B.S.

    So much of what is claimed to be “truth about pedophiles”, is nothing more than heinous accusations, made by people who will never be forced to substantiate those very same accusations.

    They often arrive at these numbers, through “creative interpretation” on a variety of social variables.


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